« Dynasty »
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   Paul Stanley - vocals, guitars
Ace Frehley - vocals, guitars
Jene Simmons - vocals, bass
Peter Criss - vocals, drums
Guest musicians:
Anton Fig - drums
Vini Poncia - keyboards |
Produced by Vini Poncia
Recorded and mixed by Jay Messina at Electric Lady and Record Plant Studios, NYC, NY, Spring 1979
Engineered by Jon Mathias and Jim Galante |
 | II WAS MADE FOR LOVIN' YOU - Paul Stanley, Desmond Child, Vini Poncia
Mmmmm, yeah...
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do |
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 По поводу качества этого альбома между поклонниками Kiss до сих пор ведутся ожесточенные споры. Попробуем разобраться и мы. Итак, очевидный факт - к 1979 году Kiss стала самой популярной рок группой на планете, деньги текли рекой, выпускались игрушки, комиксы и даже художественные фильмы по мотивам образов участников коллектива. Вместе с деньгами, как это обычно и бывает, пришли серьезные проблемы с наркотиками и выпивкой. Особенно усердствовал в этом деле Питер Крисс, не сумевший даже толком прописать для "Dynasty" барабаны (на половине партий его замещает Антон Фиг). Разумеется, все это не шло на пользу атмосфере внутри группы, которая стремительно ухудшалась. А ведь помимо этого на своем седьмом диске Kiss решили еще и сменить стилистику, Боб Эзрин со своим "старомодным" хардом был послан далеко и надолго. Ему на замену пришел новый продюсер Винни Понсиа, который превратил саунд группы в самый настоящий поп-рок, с до предела приглушенными гитарами и влезающими во все места клавишными партиями. Соответственно новым веяниям был изменен и сценический имидж - теперь музыканты щеголяли на сцене в еще более женственных и помпезных костюмах. Так что чувства поклонников можно понять - явно наметился развал классического состава, так еще и звук "опопсел"! И вот теперь я выражаю свои глубокие соболезнования тем, кто так и не вслушался в этот диск до конца. Да, звук попсовый, да, коммерциализация полная - но кому до этого есть дело, если материал-то отличный? Просто потрясающие по своей романтичности композиции от Пола Стэнли "Sure Know Something" и "Magic Touch", недавно взошедшая и сверкающая ярче солнца звезда Эйса Фрейли в ураганном боевике "Hard Times" и великолепном кавере Rolling Stones "2,000 Man". Ну а о том, КАКИМ супер-хитом стала открывающая альбом мега-песня "I Was Made For Loving You", я, пожалуй, скромно умолчу. Так что мой совет всем интересующимся - не слушайте злодеев, ворчащих о полной неадекватности "Dynasty"! Лучше пойдите и купите себе этот диск - удовольствие гарантировано. |
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М-да, немногие устояли перед желанием сделать музыку более доступной, когда бал стало править диско. Не избежали этой участи и хард-рокеры Kiss. Однако, как это ни странно, первый альбом, выпущенный после вышедших одновременно четырех сольников, получился хорошим и довольно ровным. Наибольшие хиты предоставил Пол Стэнли – это, без сомнения, открывающая «I Was Made for Lovin’ You», проникнутая влиянием диско и эротичная настолько, насколько это возможно в рок-н-ролле, и «Magic Touch», лучшая, по моему мнению, тема на альбоме, размеренная композиция с запоминающейся мелодикой, в которой Пол обращается к какому-то своему другу, а может быть, и просто к самому себе, влюбленному в девушку, имеющую «волшебное прикосновение». Среди других треков особо запоминаются: «Sure Know Something», размеренная тема с довольно энергичным припевом, по тексту и мелодике напоминающая первую композицию на диске, только здесь Пол Стэнли обращается уже к девушке, которая когда-то его покинула; «Charisma», с запоминающимся припевом и текстом, в котором Джин Симмонс интересуется, в чем же его харизма, а проще говоря, чего это на него бабы западают; «X-Ray Eyes», размеренная вещь, в которой Джин предупреждает какую-то девушку, что он видит ее насквозь. Неплохо также звучат почти что танцевальная «Dirty Livin’», повествующая о желании Питера Крисса вырваться из окружающей обстановки (что он, видимо, и сделал, уйдя из группы), более быстрая «Hard Times», являющаяся воспоминанием о прошлом, когда все было не так легко (кстати, мне не очень нравится здесь вокал Эйса Фрели), и завершающая альбом «Save Your Love» с припевом, в котором звучит эффектно растягивающий слова хор, а ударные стучат как скоростная драм-машина, в то время как Эйс просит свою бывшую девушку сохранить свою любовь не для него, а ради кого-то другого. Менее всего понравился единственный на альбоме кавер на Rolling Stones. В целом, «2,000 Man», повествующая о жизни в не совсем приглядном недалеком будущем, звучит неплохо, но просто мне он не по душе, хотя я и не слышал оригинала. |
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просмотров: 41833 |
I wanna give it all to you
In the darkness
There's so much I wanna do
And tonight
I wanna lay it at your feet
'Cause girl, I was made for you
And girl, you were made for me
I was made for lovin' you baby
You were made for lovin' me
And I can't get enough of you baby
Can you get enough of me
I wanna see it in your eyes
Feel the magic
There's something that drives me wild
And tonight
We're gonna make it all come true
'Cause girl, you were made for me
And girl I was made for you
I was made for lovin' you baby
You were made for lovin' me
And I can't get enough of you baby
Can you get enough of me
I was made for lovin' you baby
You were made for lovin' me
And I can give it all to you baby
Can you give it all to me
Oh, can't get enough, oh, oh
I can't get enough, oh, oh
I can't get enough
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do
I was made for lovin' you baby
You were made for lovin' me
And I can't get enough of you baby
Can you get enough of me
Oh, I was made, you were made
I can't get enough
No, I can't get enough
I was made for lovin' you baby
You were made for lovin' me
And I can't get enough of you baby
Can you get enough of me
I was made for lovin' you baby
You were made for lovin' me
And I can give it all to you baby
2,000 MAN - Mick Jagger, Keith Richards
Well, my name it is a number
It's on a piece of plastic film
And I've been growin' funny flowers
Outside on my little window sill
But don't you know I'm a 2,000 man
And my kids, they just don't understand me at all
You know, my wife still respects me
Even though I really misuse her
I am having an affair
With the random computer
But don't you know I'm a 2,000 man
And my kids, they just don't understand me at all
Oh daddy, proud of your planet
Oh mommy, proud of your sun
Oh daddy, proud of your planet
Oh mommy, proud of your sun
Oh daddy, your brain's still flashin'
Like they did when you were young
Or did they come down crashin'
Seeing all the things you'd done
Spacin' out and havin' fun
Oh daddy, proud of your planet
Oh mommy, proud of your sun
Oh daddy, proud of your planet
Oh mommy, proud of your sun
Oh daddy, your brain's still flashin'
Like they did when you were young
Or did they come down crashin'
Seeing all the things you'd done
Spacin' out and havin' fun
But, don't you know I'm a 2,000 man
And my kids, they just don't understand me at all
But, don't you know I'm a 2,000 man
And my kids, they just don't understand me at all
Understand me, u-understand me, u-understand me, now understand me
But, don't you know I'm a 2,000 man
And my kids, they just don't understand me at all
But, don't you know I'm a 2,000 man
And my kids, they just don't understand me at all
I'm a 2,000 man, I'm a 2,000 man
I'm a 2,000 man, I'm a 2,000 man, yeah, 2,000
SURE KNOW SOMETHING - Paul Stanley, Vini Poncia
I've been up and down, I've been all around
I was mystified, almost terrified
But late at night I still hear you call my name
I've been on my own, I've been all alone
I was hypnotized, I felt paralyzed
But late at night I still want you just the same
I've been a gambler, but I'm nobody's fool
And I sure know something, sure know something
You showed me things they never taught me in school
And I sure know something, sure know something
No one can make me feel the way that you do
And I sure know something, aha
I was seventeen, you were just a dream
I was mesmerized, I felt scared inside
You broke my heart and I still can feel the pain
I've been counted out, I've had fear and doubt
I've been starry eyed, never satisfied
'Cause late at night I still need you just the same (just the same)
I've been a gambler, but I'm nobody's fool
And I sure know something, sure know something
You showed me things they never taught me in school
And I sure know something, sure know something
No one can make me feel the way that you do
And I sure know something, aha
I've been counted out, I've had fear and doubt
I've been starry eyed, never satisfied
'Cause late at night I still need you just the same
Just the same, yeah
I've been a gambler, but I'm nobody's fool
And I sure know something, sure know something
You showed me things they never taught me in school
And I sure know something, sure know something
No one can make me feel the way that you do
And I sure know something, sure know something
No one can tell me till I hear it from you
And I sure know something, sure know something
I've been a gambler, but I'm nobody's fool
Sure know something, sure know something
You showed me things they never taught me in school
Sure know something, sure know something
No one can make me feel the way that you do
DIRTY LIVIN' - Peter Criss, Vini Poncia, Stan Penridge
I can't get enough of what I need
People all around me lettin' me bleed
Waitin' for the darkness to blind the heat
I make my livin' out on the streets
Dirty livin' (ahh) dirty livin'
I can't wait any longer to set myself free
Flashin' lights keep runnin' through my brain
Someone find the doctor to ease all the pain
Traffic in the city is burnin' me out
She makes me wanna jump up and shout
Dirty livin' (ahh) dirty livin'
I can't wait any longer to set myself free
I can't wait any longer to set myself free
Ahh, no more, no more
I've gotta get away
Dirty livin', dirty livin'
(Ahh, dirty livin')
Mainline out of China is due in tonight
Mother, sister, brother are lyin' uptight
I can hear the jukebox poundin' out loud
I take my furor out on the crowd
Dirty livin' (ahh) dirty livin'
I can't wait any longer to set myself free
I can't wait any longer to set myself free
No more, no more
I've gotta get away
Dirty livin', dirty livin'
It's gettin' to me, it's gettin' to me
I can't wait, I can't wait
Dirty livin', dirty livin', yeah
Why don't you set me free
CHARISMA - Gene Simmons, Howard Marks
Is it my fortune or my fame
Is it my money or my name...
Is it my personality
Or just my sexuality...
Yeah, yeah
What is my charisma
What is my charisma (yeah)
Is it my body or my brain
Do I drive you insane (ha)
Is it the power of my touch
Do you need me too much, too much, too much...
What is my charisma, what is my, what is my
What is my charisma
Is it my fortune or my fame
What is my, is it my money or my name, charisma, yeah
What is my, yeah, yeah, yeah, charisma
What is my charisma, what is it I've got
What is it about me that gets you so hot, hot, yeah
Am I the master of your soul
Do you lose all control (ha)
Is it my fire or my flame
Do I drive you insane... (charisma)
What is my charisma (yeah)
What is my, is it my fire or my flame, charisma
What is my charisma
What is my charisma
Is it my body or my brain
What is my, is it my money or my name, charisma
And do I drive you insane
What is my, what is my, what is my, charisma
What is my, is it my fortune or my fame, charisma
And do I drive you insane
What is my, what is my, what is my, charisma
What is my, what is my, what is my, charisma
Charisma, charisma
What is my, what is my, what is my, charisma
What is my, what is my, what is my, charisma
Charisma, charisma
What is my, what is my, what is my, charisma
What is my
MAGIC TOUCH - Paul Stanley
She's got the magic touch
And you're walkin' around in a dream
She's got the magic touch
Oh no, but it ain't what it seems
You feel there's a fire burnin'
But she feels cold inside
But you still want her much too much
One day when she leaves you lonely
You won't be satisfied (won't be satisfied)
Until you feel her magic touch
Her magic touch
Her magic touch
Her magic touch
She's got the magic touch
And you're under a spell that she's cast
She's got the magic touch
Oh no, but it ain't gonna last
She's keepin' her love light shinin'
To blind you from her lie (blind you from her lie)
But you still need her oh so much
And when she says she's leaving
That's when you realize (when you realize)
How much you need her magic touch
Her magic touch
Her magic touch
Her magic touch
Until the night in the bright
She'll be there
As she prances by your arms
While your dreams fade away
She's got the magic touch
And you're walkin' around in a dream
She's got the magic touch
Oh no, but it ain't what it seems
One day when she leaves you lonely
You'll miss her oh so much
Until you feel her magic touch (feel her magic touch)
Her magic touch, her magic touch
(Feel her magic touch) her magic touch
She's got the magic touch, I really want her
She's got the magic touch, and I still need her
She's got the magic touch, I really want her
She's got the magic touch, and I really want her
She's got the magic touch, and I still need her
HARD TIMES - Ace Frehley
Well, I recall days in the city
And I think back, "Oh what a pity"
Rememberin' how it wasn't pretty
Every day life in the city
Out in the street we had to take it
With friends around, couldn't fake it
What wasn't there, we had to make it
Hangin' out down in the city
The hard times are dead and gone
But the hard times have made me strong
And the hard times have made me see
That the hard times ain't where I wanna be
We had to fight to be accepted
It wasn't right and I protested
For hangin' out we got arrested
Every day life in the city
We'd go to school and then we'd cut out
Go to the park and space our heads out
We called it fun but there was some doubt
Hangin' out down in the city
The hard times are dead and gone
But the hard times have made me strong
And the hard times have made me see
That the hard times ain't where I wanna be
I don't wanna be there or even think back
I don't wanna be there, now I'm on the right track, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah...
The hard times are dead and gone
But the hard times have made me strong
And the hard times have made me see
That the hard times ain't where I wanna be
I don't wanna be there or even think back
I don't wanna be there, 'cause I'm on the right track
Now I'm on the right track
I'm finally on the right track
I'm finally on the right track
X-RAY EYES - Gene Simmons
Sometimes, you say, you don't want my love today
But oh baby, I know what you're aiming at
And I know, I see, everything that's in store for me
Well, baby here's your big surprise, yeah
I've got x-ray eyes (ahh)
And I can see right through your lies (ahh)
One day you'll see, you'll come crawling back to me
I'm your one and only, that's a fact, yeah
I'm the one, the one and only, in the end, baby you'll be lonely
I've got no time for silly goodbyes, yeah
I've got x-ray eyes (x-ray eyes)
And I can see right through your lies (ahh), yeah
I've got x-ray eyes (x-ray eyes)
And I can see right through your lies (ahh), yeah, yeah
Ooh, and I know, I see, everything that's in store for me
Well, baby here's your big surprise, yeah
I've got x-ray eyes (x-ray eyes)
And I can see right through your lies (ahh), yeah
I've got x-ray eyes (x-ray eyes)
And I can see right through your lies (ahh), yeah
I've got x-ray eyes (x-ray eyes)
And I can see right through your lies (ahh), yeah
I've got x-ray eyes (x-ray eyes)
And I can see right through your lies (ahh)
Well, I've got
SAVE YOUR LOVE - Ace Frehley
You were my woman, and I was your man
You were good lookin'
You know, I was your biggest fan
You tried to teach me, things I already knew
When you couldn't reach me
Girl, I think you knew that we were through
Baby, it's over
Save your love, save it, save it
Save your love, save it, save it
Save your love, I don't want it (save your love)
Save it for someone else (save it, save it)
Save your love, I don't need it (save your love)
Put it back on the shelf
For somebody else
You said you love me, you may have been right
But hangin' above me
Girl you know that we would fight
You tried to change me, and mess up my mind
Now, don't rearrange me
And girl, you know, that's why you're left behind
It's over now (now, now, now)
Save your love, save it, save it
Save your love, save it, save it
Save your love, I don't want it (save your love)
Save it for someone else (save it, save it)
Save your love, I don't need it (save your love)
Put it back on the shelf
For somebody else
Girl, you know it's over
We had some good times
But now they're gone, so long
Save your love, save it, save it
Save your love, save it, save it
Save your love, I don't want it (save your love)
Save it for someone else (save it, save it)
Save your love, I don't need it (save your love)
Put it back on the shelf
For somebody else
Save your love, I don't want it (save your love)
Save it for someone else (save it, save it)
Save your love, I don't need it (save your love)
Girl, I don't want it, save your love
Save your love, I don't want it (save your love)
Save it for someone else (save it, save it)
Save your love, I don't need it (save your love)
Girl, I don't want it, save your love
Save your love, I don't want it (save your love)
Save it for someone else (save it, save it)
Save your love, I don't need it (save your love)
Girl, I don't want it, save your love