The Berzerker
« Animosity »
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1 | Eye For An Eye
 | 2 | Purgatory
 | 3 | False Hope
 | 4 | Evolution
 | 5 | No More Reasons
 | 6 | Retribution
 | 7 | The Cancer
 | 8 | Weapons Of War
 | 9 | Heavily Medicated
 | 10 | Lonely World |
   Luke Kenny – вокал, программирование
Jason – гитара, бас |
 | 1. Eye For An Eye
When I see the rage is building
And I know there’s nothing stopping
Stopping me from changing into
What it is almost pure
When I’m doing what I’m doing
I always take it all so I
Continue in this fashion
And continue to be free
Mother never told me to
Respect those t |
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 Как можно охарактеризовать музыку, которая претендует на звание самого экстремального явления на планете? Дадим слово самой команде: "The Berzerker is the most natural form of extremity known on this planet". И что характерно, это похоже на правду. Тяжелейщее deathgrind звучание гитар, смешанное с неистовой драм-машиной, к которой подцепили какой-то электронный дисторшн, из-за чего звук приобрел характерный электронный «песочек». Двойной вокал: детовский гроул и неподдающийся описанию противоестественный вокал захлебывающегося собственной кровью берсерка. Ураганный ритм, помноженный на плотный электронный звук ударных – это уже не deathgrind, это что-то совершенно новое. Говорят, что электроника похожа на gabba hardcore techno, но мне это ничего не говорит, слушая звук, я ощущаю только чистую, нерафинированную агрессию и экстремальность в одном флаконе. "Animosity" – это, пожалуй, самое необузданная экстремальная музыка за последнее время. Каждому, кто до сих пор считает, что все уже спето и метал уже не тот, что раньше и все подались в облегчение звучания стоит послушать The Berzerker. Сносит крышу. |
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Альбом «Animosity» стал для меня первой работой этой талантливой команды. Безбашенную музыку, драйв и практически недельный запас адреналина – вот, что мне пришлось принять вовнутрь. Однако, альбом оставил после себя двоякие чувства. С одной стороны - дикость этих «жертв незаконного клонирования» меня очень порадовала, но с другой, мне как-то не хватало живого ударника. Я не собираюсь в чём-либо обвинять The Berzerker, так как драмм-машина сделала своё дело на все сто, но, мне кажется, будь там побольше живого звука, альбом был бы ещё лучше. |
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После явного "середнячка" "World of Lies" это творение оказалось невероятно злым. Уже вполне ожидаемые "разговорные" переходы, вырванные из документальных зарубежных программ и всяких фильмов-триллеров (Люк Кенни это дело, видимо, очень любит и любить будет - следующий релиз тоже подобным насыщен), с которых начинается альбом, тут практически не встречаются. Я заметил некую особенность - чем злее выглядит дракон на обложке - тем злее и безумнее музыка на альбоме.
Итак, включаем. "...of every living christian soul..." и понеслось! Люк нажимает некую красную кнопку, предназначенную явно не чайник вскипятить. Агрессивная "Eye for an Eye". "Purgatory" начинается с весёлого барабанного проигрыша - перед глазами ненадолго встают несколько джигитов с кинжалами. Припев (если это можно назвать припевом) в "False Hope" просто выносит наповал гитарной партией. Запоминается главная мелодия "Retribution", причём надолго. В "Weapons of War" мучение гитары похоже на то, что присутствовало в третьей песне. Ну, а под конец... Совершенно неожиданная очень "спокойная" (если судить по творчеству The Berzerker) тема "Lonely World".
И что у нас получается в итоге? В последние 20 секунд этого альбома та самая красная кнопка уже отключается, оставляя такие последствия, как "неважный" релиз "The Reawakening" 2008-го года. Что же, видимо, после "Dissimulate" пошла добрая традиция делать отличные альбомы через один. А пока маньяки и психопаты будут наслаждаться великолепнейшей работой "Animosity", добрый дядя Люк, скорее всего, будет готовить очередную порцию добротного, сверхскоростного и сверхагрессивного мясца! |
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Любителям сверхтяжёлого звука настоятельно рекомендуется к прослушиванию.
"Animosity", четвёртый альбом австралийских gabba/grind монстров The Berzerker вновь бьёт наповал, как паровой молот. Плотное, низкое, сверхскоростное звучание, dual-вокал, как визитная карточка команды, и, естественно, фирменный габберский бит, которого бы не постеснялся DJ Skinhead. Австралийцы не теряют своего особого обаяния, присущего манькам-психопатам, злобным мутантам и кошмарным порождениям генной инженерии. Альбом бьёт в висок, как стальная болванка, и после прослушивания в голове ещё долго стучат дикие ритмы "Animosity".
Берсеркеры на свободе, эволюция продолжается. |
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Мое знакомство с группой началось именно с этого альбома, но на нем же и закончилось. Вставляя диск в дисковод, я надеялась услышать нечто экстраординарное, и я его услышала! Причем, услышанное намного превзошло мои ожидания. Тем временем, какой-то ненормальный стук разрывал мои барабанные перепонки, давил на мозг, заставляя задуматься о психической уравновешенности исполнителей. Первая ассоциация от услышанного была с Napalm Death - тот же необузданный, яростный шквал эмоций. Вот только представьте себе все это на вдвое большей скорости, и поверх этого безумства - натуральный, захлебывающийся, даже булькающий, поросячий полурев-полувизг. "Eye for an Eye" - хороший пример всего вышеописанного. Прослушав весь альбом, ничего нового я не обнаружила. Некоторые треки чуть быстрей, некоторые чуть медленней, но суть везде одна и та же -скорость, стук, рев. Все же, неплохо было бы приукрасить общее звучание чем-то еще. Я не слышала остальных альбомов, но, думаю, они мало чем отличаются от данного. Таким образом, творчество The Berzerker меня не зацепило, и вскоре австралийские берсерки были убраны с глаз долой, где покоятся и по сей день. |
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просмотров: 14894 |
Why should I be forced to hurt?
And take the fucking blame
Why are you ignoring me?
Where will I get morals from?
Mother never taught me
And I don’t know why
Destroy the one that you love
Crush all memory of them
Appreciate the power that you have and that you wield
It’s a game of life, play to learn
Push in down deep inside
Time to create more than you could
Ever want
Only when the world has stopped
Could you be the only one?
Another day another time
That I’ve never known
When I see humanity
Taking all of the life from me
I wonder why we bother at all
Unlock the door
Pray it’s finally over
Game on
Settle down
Powerless to stop
Freedom is the one you seek
Tell me why I you must be free
Listen to this fuckin’ crap!
This is what you want to be?
Tell me what you really mean
Freedom is the only way to start again
I swear there no reality
You’ve taken more then you deserve
But no one is impervious
When I see the rage is building
And I know there’s nothing stopping
Stopping me from changing into
What it is almost pure
When I’m doing what I’m doing
I always take it all so I
Continue in this fashion
And continue to be free
Mother never told me to
Respect those that you do not like
Why should I be forced to hurt?
And take the fucking blame
The world of beauty and of order is disappearing before me
I’ve taken lives
In your next life
Eye for an eye
Just like Judas
Eye for an eye
I’m surrounded
Burn all the dead
It’s what is deep inside
Worship the system
That you’re following
Fuck your religion
You follow like sheep
I see the way forward
You see nothing
Time to say fuck it
I’m my own man
Destroy the one that you love
Crush all memory of them
Appreciate the power that you have and that you wield
It’s a game of life, play to learn
Push in down deep inside
Time to create more than you could
Ever want
Only when the world has stopped
Could you be the only one?
Another day another time
That I’ve never known
When I see humanity
Taking all of the life from me
Fuck this stupid shitty world
2. Purgatory
I’ve taken torment to a new level of suffering
Agony, enemy
In my life
Few people have let me down
And I’ve learnt
The best revenge is served stone cold
Creeping up
So they’ll never see it coming
I lift them up
Only to bring them crashing down
If only I could have all that I wanted
To punish the ones that committed these crimes
It will make the difference and be savage
We’ve all got the power, in my evil design
In my life
Few people have let me down
And I’ve learnt
The best revenge is served stone cold
Creeping up
So they’ll never see it coming
I lift them up
Only to bring them crashing down
When I’ve thought is it too much to take
I remember that they tried to crush me
It’s important that they feel the pain
More like I get pleasure from it
I’ve gone so long without hurting
Whose who’ve tired there best to fuck me
And now I-see they-feel the pain
When I place them in purgatory
If only I could have all that I wanted
To punish the ones that committed these crimes
It will make the difference and be savage
We’ve all got the power, in my evil design
In my life
Few people have let me down
And I’ve learnt
The best revenge is served stone
Creeping up
So they’ll never see it coming
I lift them up
Only to bring them crashing down
3. False Hope
Time to reflect
Fear the world and all that resides here
You feed the one that I must reject
It’s not for them to lead me
It is only false hope
Blessing the fearful and praising the living
Join the prison and descend to hell
Watching and preaching the words with no meanings
How to realize it’s a doomed existence
We’re doomed to failure
Opened eyes now speak the truth
In the end it’s all that’s left
Let me be your serpent and …
Raise on up in place of god
Interconnect the chosen few
Join your hands and praise my life
As if your thoughts are pure
What is it that makes you feel?
More like there’s something missing
What is the truth?
What is the reason to live here?
Murder, father, freedom, wisdom
What is, it that, makes you feel so sinful?
In a world free from
From those who wish to harm you
If you impose your will
You’ll burn us all in hell, Hell
The book it tells lies and bends the truth
And it influences the weak
Disaster is breeding here
It’s not what it seems
You want to feel like a god?
Well I’ve got something to say
You’ve got nothing to fear
Now that you are mine
Time will only go forward
There’s no limit
There’s no limit
Opened eyes now speak the truth
In the end it’s all that’s left
Let me be your serpent and
Raise on up in place of god
Interconnect the chosen few
Join your hands and praise my life
As if your thoughts are pure
What is it that makes you feel?
More like there’s something missing
What is the truth?
What is the reason to live here?
4. Evolution
First animals, acclimatised
Bones that have changed, never the same
You’re so low
For what it’s worth
Before no time
You’ll be walking on your own
Isolation, no turning back
Untouchable, I’ll go on
So farfetched
Your last chance
To rule the world
Then mammals
Are customized
Their bodies go through change to survive
It’s all we know
For what’s its worth
I see there’s no evolution
Forced to grow
Forced to evolved
Why resist change
Open your mind
It’s beyond your life
It’s evolution
Why the fuck can’t you understand
Isolation, no turning back
Untouchable, I’ll go on
So farfetched
Your last chance
To rule the world
No turning back
I’ll go on
So farfetched
Your last chance
To rule the world
5. No More Reasons
Preacher, preacher, preacher with a badge
You’d better shut your mouth
Never, anymore
Or I’ll shut it for you
Another time, another time
Or on, another day
Never succumbing to…
Hit the mark
Give it up
Full destruction
No more reasons, anymore
Taking what is mine
You’re not mine
The last one
Break the mould
I’m taking all
I would want
It’s not the same for you
Changing moods have hurt you
You’re attracted to my hatred
It’s just a matter of time
And I’ll take the blame for your failure?
Nothing is found
Nothing really is ever known
Nothing has ever been what it seemed
It’s just like this and will be like this for fucking ever!!!
Preacher, preacher
Preacher with a badge
You’d better shut your mouth
Never, anymore
Or I’ll shut it for you
Another time, another time
Or on, another day
Never succumbing to…
Hit the mark
Give it up
Full destruction
No more reasons, anymore
Taking what is mine
You’re not mine
The last one
Break the mould
I’m taking all
I would want
It’s not the same
We’re never right
It’s not the same for you
Changing moods have hurt you
You’re attracted to my hatred
It’s just a matter of time
And I’ll take the blame for your failure?
Nothing is found
Nothing really is ever known
Nothing has ever been what it seemed
It’s just like this and will be like this for fucking ever!!!
It’s your time
6. Retribution
I can’t take anymore
Can’t take anymore
Knowing that you’re still out there
Forced into the corner
I’ll feel better when
I know your life is over
It’s good of you to summit yourself to this torture
When all the rest are thinking, I’m in such agony
With force I could take of your respect and honour
Watched all your bullshit and I must say it sickened me
There was a time when all I could do was sit by
And watch the hatred and the pain go by
Now, payback has arrived
I’ll break your fucking jaw
Try me and you’ll find out for yourself
What I’m really like
Reality’s torn apart
Make’s me think I’m not part of this
Decide, decide
Which life should I take?
The forces are against you now
Decide, decide
It’s good of you to summit yourself to this torture
When all the rest are thinking, I’m in such agony
With force I could take of your respect and honour
Watched all your bullshit and I must say it sickened me
There was a time when all I could do was sit by
And watch the hatred and the pain go by
Now, payback has arrived
I’ll break your fucking jaw
Try me and you’ll find out for yourself
What I’m really like
Reality’s torn apart
Make’s me think I’m not part of this
7. The Cancer
Forget your life and all you know
I’ll see more when all the walls come crashing down
White light is your only safety
Any other thing might hurt you too much
Every time a liar’s born
There is only one thought and it is murder
Anytime anywhere, take your pick
Welcomed to the darkened place
Men trade their only born son for life
Think there’s nothing wrong taking a fee
Nothing I can do can change the past
Can you live without watching? can you?
Why can’t you see?
The cancer grows it spreads it spreads until there’s nothing left
You’ll never know
How good I felt when I thought I was free from all of you
There was a time when all I wanted, all I needed was to feel I was the only
One, the only one that really mattered
And now it’s more like I have time to contemplate and watch the way that I
Have taken what I wanted, what I really wanted
Why can’t you see?
How good I felt when I thought I was free from all of you
Why can’t you see?
The cancer grows it spreads it spreads until there’s nothing left
You’ll never know
How good I felt when I thought I was free from all of you
We all die, we all die
We all die, we all die
We all die, we all die
We all die
There’s nothing for us now
We all die, we all die
We all die, we all die
We all die, we all die
We all die!!!
Forget the times you broke your promises went against your word
The way that see the world and see your life and operate here
There ain't no time there ain't nothing there ain't no answers here
Sometimes I ask myself these questions when I lay sleeping
Then again it’s for your own good that you really don’t know the truth
Just know I’m coming on through, I’m coming on through, I’m coming on
I’m coming for you.
Why can’t you see?
The cancer grows it spreads it spreads until there’s nothing left
You’ll never know
How good I felt when I thought I was free from all of you
8. Weapons Of War
I’ve taken lives, taken more then I can stand so
What are you thinking when your watching me
What you going to do
Where are you now?
There’s more to destroy
Forceful consumption controlling it all
To conquer the world
While I’m watching
There’s nothing more
They’re watching me
I came through when you needed said that I could do it
Although you deserve nothing
When your watching me telling what your really feeling
Tell me when you’ve taught yourself to
Think freely
When I think of the times we’ve could of done it
And the fact we’ve mainly done it your way
What I see is I see there’s no meaning and
I believe your hunting me
I have seen all I can its only getting worse
I cannot live with this
Why do we only care for ourselves its madness!
All this time wastes away, so
Different when I lived here
An empty shell, destroys time, is there nothing we can do?
We are the ones the only ones
We are the ones the only ones
We are the ones the only ones
We are the ones the only ones
I’ve taken lives, taken more then I can stand so
What are you thinking when your watching me
Weapons of war
What you going to do
Where are you now?
There’s more to destroy
Forceful consumption controlling it all
To conquer the world
While I’m watching
There’s nothing more
They’re watching me
I, I wont look back
Now, I know what’s there
I can feel your pain
I, know now what I am
We are the ones the only ones
We are the ones the only ones
We are the ones the only ones
We are the ones the only ones
9. Heavily Medicated
Heavily medicated
Powerless to stop it
Desperate twisting thoughts of
The horrors of the
Ones that owe you something
Most think they owe nothing
Another shot of sake
Tip your glasses
Concentrate and focus
Forget all you know
Appreciate the power
Before the hate squad enters
Never seemed so clean
Sanitary conditions
I will conquer all that I know
Life has no order
Life is life, Gica is Gica.
What can we do to bring back some Pride?
Now that I know what’s going to happen
Hate is the fuel that helps me to survive
Ominous thoughts from my mind
I don’t believe I know what happened
Double the dose and lie down
I will never paint a pretty picture
Always rely on myself
Never really thought you would learn
Sustained assault is my right
Turning to the cross never thought
I’d fight a Christian
Heavily medicated
Powerless to stop it
Desperate twisting thoughts of
The horrors of the
Ones that owe you something
Most think they owe nothing
Another shot of sake
Tip your glasses
Concentrate and focus
Forget all you know
Appreciate the power
Before the hate squad enters
Never seemed so clean
Sanitary conditions
I will conquer all that I know
Life has no order
Life is life
What can we do to bring back some Pride?
Now that I know what’s going to happen
Hate is the fuel that helps me to survive
10. Lonely World
Trust me, feel my power
Anger, it burns inside
My life, of my life
Anger, anger
So full of rage and hatred
Now that I know what’s right
A call to god
Goes unheard, unanswered
Lonely world
Robs us of your morals and tortures me
I can’t feel like that
Lesson, The worlds deprived
More lies, more lies
Favours, favours
I will give No more favours
And I’ll watch you decline
A call to god
Goes unheard, unanswered
Lonely world
Robs us of your morals and tortures me...