Orphaned Land
« El Norra Allia »
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1 | Find Your Self, Discover God
 | 2 | Like Fire To Water
 | 3 | The Truth Within
 | 4 | The Path Ahead
 | 5 | A Neverending Way
 | 6 | Takasim
 | 7 | Thee By The Father I Pray
 | 8 | Flawless Believe
 | 9 | Joy
 | 10 | Whisper My Name When You Dream
 | 11 | Shir Hama'Alot
 | 12 | El Meod Na'Ala
 | 13 | Of Temptation Born
 | 14 | The Evil Urge
 | 15 | Shir Hashirim |
   Kobi Farhi : vocals
Yossi Sasi : lead guitars
Matti Svatitzki : rythm guitar
Uri Zelcha : bass
Sami Bachar : drums
Even more guest musicians contributed to El Norra Alila. |
Recorded at Sigma Studios (Israel)
Produced by Kobi Farhi and Yossi Sasi
Engineered by Udi Koomran |
 | 1. Find Your Self, Discover God
Find your self, discover God
And the truth you can't deny, I shall never die
Together we shall fly
You will find your God the only one
You are his begotten son
Beyond the mystic sky
I know that I can fly
And my soul shall follow the path
I paved wlone wit |
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 Данный коллектив одним своим существованием притягивает внимание метал-общества. Думаю, вы не много знаете групп из Израиля, к тому же работающих в столь необычном жанре - этно-прог-дэт-дум, да ещё и настолько мастерски.
А ведь всё довольно просто - ребята просто занимаются тем, к чему лежит душа. Вкладывая в свою музыку ту самую неизведанную эфемерную субстанцию, раскрывая в каждой песне глубины культуры древнего народа иудеев посредством использования множества неизвестных рядовому слушателю инструментов - струнных, ударных, духовых - ошеломляют красотой, скрытой за кажущейся поначалу простотой. Без пафоса, вычурности, наигранности и какой-либо агрессии, несмотря на использование гроулинга. Сила и мудрость, что несёт в себе сей альбом вызывают, по крайней мере, уважение. Недалёкий же человек посмеется с национальных хоровых распевов, специфической манеры пения Коби, лирики с философским подтекстом, удалит альбом, так толком и не расслушивая, и будет не прав...
Очень рад, что мне попалась дискография Orphaned Land, заставившая пересмотреть своё отношение к культурному наследию народа Израиля. |
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Второй альбом, не побоюсь этого слова, "великих" израильтян просто завораживает. Удивительная восточная атмосфера каждой песни и прогрессивное построение мелодий полностью погружают в этот шедевр. Конечно, это самый "восточный" альбом Осиротелой земли, но это только добавляет некий шарм этому диску, что ли. В нем нет ни одной слабой песни. Игра музыкантов выше всяких похвал, а Коби Фархи - просто бесподобен, плюс иногда появляющийся женский вокал просто сносит крышу. Лично для меня - это один из лучших альбомов на металлической сцене (вообще-то, все 3 их альбома бесподобны). Orphaned Land нужно слушать и слышать, что-либо писать бесполезно. Тем, кому нравится жесткое рубилово, лучше не тратить время на израильтян, восток - дело тонкое. Оценка - Шедевр на все времена! |
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Вторая серия многотомного и слегка увлекательного бреда от наших старых знакомых. Hа этот раз у ребят совсем съехала крыша, причем с тормозов. По музыке теперь это стало более мелодично-сопливо, причем гроулинга практически не осталось, а вокальные партии напоминают грузина, зажавшего свое мужское достоинство дверью и напевающего "Сулико". Причем количество треков увеличилось ровно обратно пропорционально КАКчеству. Если четыре трека, заслуживающих мое внимание, я нашел, то на остальных похоже просто записаны бредовые разлагольствования из ближайшего минарета (или синаноги?) В общем, хор мальчиков-зайчиков, образцовых ребят имени непонятно кого. Hаверное, ансамбль традиционно назвали именем Ясера Арафата. Музыка сильно на любителя, я бы даже сказал, сильно не для всякого. |
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просмотров: 17114 |
You know the only thing I want is to love
How can I lie within you now ?
God of darkness, God of light,
In my soul day or night,
I ride the shadows, yet live in light and cry...
"If a man could pass through the paradise in a dream
and has a flower presented to him as a pledge
thus his soul had been here" (Nathaniel Hawthorne)
As I awaken from slumber my mind filled with sights unreal
My only wish is to see you lie
To make your soul forever fly
You will fly beyond the mystic sky
You will lie again with the lord, Allah !
2. Like Fire To Water
Different yet the same, in our soul pride and blame
The son and daughter, like fire to water
The two live within us
We pray our faith for help
Like madness and sin, kin passes to kin
The fire and water, the sacred slaughter
... All that and more told in ancient lore
Now I shall begin...
To set forth on a quest, all past is put to rest
So we shall never have to cry again
So we shall forever remain sane
The force of belief, brings me relief
Let us now unite, we fly as one
With the wings God has sent, we fly into the end...
3. The Truth Within
Fons et origo boni ple luxque perenis
Salvificet pietas tua nos bone rector, eleison
The golden wine flows through my veins
I know the meaning behind the holy words
A lesson must be learned - so listen all
Let your heart rule or we all must fall
We cry out for help, a prayer for your soul
When you will know the end is near,
you will faster crawl
The whole body withdraws with the pain of birth
And once again I know the true meaning of life
Once again I know that looking through their eyes
... As they came with their love...
I know the truth of life and it lies before my eyes
The truth lies within you know
The truth lies within the holy words
4. The Path Ahead
Here lies before me a road unwalked upon
I am prepared to be the first to walk on shadowed stones
That none has dwelled before
The holy ones stand alert, they await if I might fall
They who pass judgement upon us all
Won't see your darkened face
Won't see your black embrace that makes my fire blaze
The path ahead, a neverending way
And all the words you said to me about the life
That could have been so pure like a knife made of gold
And I feel the tremors in my soul
That lead me now into a fall
Which seems like a neverending way
5. A Neverending Way
When summer's gone and winter's past
It seems like a neverending way
And thinking of what I have to say
It seems like a neverending way
I am within you now, with my sinful cry
I am within you, now one am I
Perish the love, perish your love
When the sunfilled summer comes to love
It seems like a neverending way
It comes to us like a snow-white dove
It seems like a neverending way
I am within you now with my lonely cry
I am within you now 'till the time we die
I am within you now 'till the time we perish the love
Perish your love
6. Takasim
7. Thee By The Father I Pray
Ac regnanti in celesti partia, amen
I'm roaring in the name of God
In all ancient words described in By-Gone times
I pray for your reply oh - all knowing fathers
As I wait to your words
[Hebrew lyrics]
8. Flawless Believe
As ashes slowly fall I turn to heed my inner call
To feel the gap within my soul
I must find the one inside the whole
Flawless belief, is what my eyes see
A shining figure here before me
A divine idol we all plead to
I'm down on my knees I worship you with owe
I'm down on my knees my belief forever strong
And I call out to you my lord of light
Watch my faith how it glows
God await that I know
My praise for him I shall bestow...
And sing it, praise you lord, he is the lord
In all pas centuries I've lived
False believers lived in eternal lie
We live our life - amen
Giving love to the end
Shadows rise and fall
At God's divine call
The answer to my pleas
Let all madness cease
This will be done
9. Joy
10. Whisper My Name When You Dream
In this throne that I lay I hear her sigh
All gods of north are calling to me with wrath
Oh - sing for me my queen of lost
In this state with pleasure I die
I watch with an all knowing eye
Undying pleasure envelops all that we are
Our emotions rage like a flaring sun, like a work undone
Feel my passion unto you flow
I watch the halo slowly grows
And from this moment I now know
You whisper my name when you... dream on...
I cry for you oh my lord, (sing for me)
My kingdom of lust is yours (oh, sing for me)
Bonded by love we are one, you are the moon and I am the sun
11. Shir Hama'Alot
[Hebrew lyrics]
12. El Meod Na'Ala
[Hebrew lyrics]
el meod naala akabel panav
beshira utehila avo limonav [x2]
kimimoshe veaharon
yovileni lemishkenotav [x2]
hoshaa mimaal veishma koli
veishlach mimaal veyaazor li [x2]
kimimoshe veaharon
yovileni lemishkenotav [x2]
A most honorable god i shell great him
With singing and glory i will great his coming
And like mozes and Aaron he will lead me
To his land above
He will lend his ear and hear my voice
And will send from above and help me
Couse like mozes and Aaron he will lead me
To his land above [X2]
13. Of Temptation Born
I feel the touch of my demise
See the dark begin to rise
And I feel the rage, the endless wrath
Of the one I served before
My love for a mortal being
Here it is of temptation born
I left the God to witch I am sworn
Unto a weak life we are born
I won't be forgiven I cannot lie
This painfull truth I cannot deny
Unto despair was I thrown
All that is left is now to mourn
As the serpent came to Eve
Lead me by charm made belief
The folly of earthly shell
Now forsaken I must dwell
I cry out I call to God where is the hope I once had
It lies forsaken now I see, left out cast on from me
My dreams are filled now to the bream
With godless sights so bare and grim
All that is left now is to cry and ask my God now - "Tell me why ?"
Deserted and alone I am forever orphaned !!!
14. The Evil Urge
And I see that slowly your tears are drying
And I see an ocean made by your crying
And the ocean that's within...
And I see misery to forget it I must
And all of the memories are lost
And the ocean is here within me
Flows on like an ever tear
In us all there are two separate sides
That which is evil and that which is good
Some people live by one side and others by the second
Both of them have a little bit of the other
But it must remain clear that the two depend on each other
Remember, evil is a part of the good and not the opposite
There is no sadness without joy and there is no joy without pain
There is no holy without impure and there can be no blasphemy without
Thus the two sides must live in harmony
Unbalanced forever the evil urge brought lots of pain
It is so hard to defeat it
The evil urge sometimes arrives with heavy boots
And sometimes in gentle cat's steps
And even through blessed deeds it can drive you into deeds of wrong
A here is the one which concurs his urge
And so we must wonder what shall be the faith of the man who destroys one
and embraces the other...
The storm still rages...
15. Shir Hashirim
Cunctipotens genitor deus, omni creator, eleison
[Hebrew lyrics]