Napalm Death
« Enemy of the Music Business »
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1 | Taste The Poison
 | 2 | Next On The List
 | 3 | Constitutional Hell
 | 4 | Vermin
 | 5 | Volume Of Neglect
 | 6 | Thanks For Nothing
 | 7 | Cant Play, Wont Pay
 | 8 | Blunt Against The Cutting Edge
 | 9 | Cure For The Common Complaint
 | 10 | Necessary Evil
 | 11 | C.S. (Conservative Shithead) Part 2
 | 12 | Mechanics Of Deceit
 | 13 | (The Public Get) What The Public Doesn't Want
 | 14 | Fracture In The Equation |
   Mark "Barney" Greenway - Vocals
Jesse Pintado - Guitar
Mitch Harris - Guitar
Shane Embury - Bass
Danny Herrera - Drums |
Recorded at Parkgate Studios, England 26 May - 8 June 2000 Mixed 13 - 19 June
Produced by Simon Efemey & Russ Russel for
The House of Absurd
Engineered by Sasha Jankovic
Mastered by Kevin Metcalf at Soundmasters
Cover artwork by MID for Bonehive designs
Design & additional artwork Duncan Bullimore
The title and influence for the corporate hatred lyrics on the album came from
the frustrations and troubles that Napalm Death were having with Earache
Records. This album saw the band return to a more extreme death metal sound
instead of their experimental material witnessed on the last few albums. |
 | 1. Taste The Poison
Abstinence works for me, not for them
Intolerance, far worse things? This makes no sense
Get high on me and mine
Take the poison
Raise a voice? The art of making noise
Attacking stance? Fist in face for personal
So witless? self, self, self.
Take the poiso |
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 Вышедший около года назад, но уже успевший стать хрестоматийным альбом, получивший незаслуженно низкую оценку в рубрике рецензий «Painkiller’а». Да, «Words From The Exit Wound» был несколько вымученным, явно менее интересным, чем два предыдущих релиза, и во многом их повторяющим. Но согласиться с утверждением моего любимого журнала о том, что «Enemy…» чуть ли не еще хуже, чем «Words…», значит обмануть самого себя. Напротив, последний альбом англичан вобрал в себя все лучшие моменты в творчестве группы. На мой взгляд, не обижен никто – поклонники «ретро» должны заметить частичный возврат к корням, имеющий место на альбоме, а также его чудесное оформление со скальпированными черепами; индивиды, тоскующие по началу девяностых, с удовольствием потрясут чердаками под зловредные хардкоровые риффы, актуальные для ND и по сей день; даже эстеты, не могущие жить без «Inside The Torn Apart», будут довольны, хотя столь любимого ими псевдоиндустриального налета в новых композициях уже меньше. Вот в буклет с текстами вменяемому человеку лучше не влезать – все те же маловразумительные политиканские бредни, однако, не стоит винить за это большого Бэрни, ведь если его тексты Вам непонятны, это еще не значит, что они тупые и убогие, в конце концов, специфика устойчивых выражений английского языка…ну, и так далее. Учитывая поразительную плодовитость группы (заметьте, каждый год – по релизу, иногда и не по одному), мы имеем все основания ждать в ближайшем будущем нового опуса «напалмовцев». |
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Постоянно прослушивая этот альбом возникают приятные ощущения, которые хотелось бы изложить (постараться хотя бы). С каждым новым прослушиванием мне это творение нравится всё больше. Этот альбом я считаю одним из лучших в жанре Death. После экспериментальных релизов группа постаралась вернуться к своим корням, что отчасти у них получилось. Не ждите от этого альбома второго "FETO", нет настолько они не смогли повторить своё звучание, собственно, лично мне это и не нужно, альбом не менее экстремальный, возможно, даже наоборот, но сказать точно могу только одно - этот диск гениален. Альбом выдержан в очень экстремальном ключе, никаких намёков на мелодию или подобие мелодии, нет даже соло партий, что отнюдь не уменьшает красоту альбома, а скорее даже наоборот - нагоняет ещё больший интерес. Всё это ещё раз подтверждает железный статус группы на металическом поприще и доказывает то, что Napalm Death – одна из самых экстремальных групп на сцене тяжёлой музыки. Все 14 треков безупречны и бесподобны, до мелочей продуманы, а так же не слишком сложно построены, но и совсем не примитивны. В своих текстах ребята из Napalm Death рассуждают на политические темы, что совсем неплохо, причём это не тупые необоснованные вопли, всё не раз доказано или в самих текстах, или во множестве интервью. Альбом безусловно хорош, о чём я не перестану твердить, даже на фоне death металлических творений этот диск резко контрастирует. Гениальнейший альбом, если вы это ещё не слышали советую я вам немедленно поправить эту ошибку и приобрести это творение. |
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После четырех "экспериментальных" релизов (FED, Diatribes, Inside... и Words...) я лично не ожидал такого резкого разворота к неистовству прошлого. По скорости этот альбом стоит в одном ряду с Utopia Banished и Harmony Corruption, по агрессивности - с From Enslavement to Obliteration, а по риффам и синкопам - скорее с Words... и Inside... Из 14 треков только на двух нет бластинга (что не делает их менее интересными). Лишний раз эта команда-легенда доказала, что она - лидер не только европейской, но и мировой экстремальной музыки. А так как все монстры дэта уже выпустили свои альбомы (Krisiun, Incantation, Morbid Angel, Nile и Vader), то можно с уверенностью сказать, что это - альбом года. |
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Странный альбом - не слышал Напалмов с 1994 г., а тут вот довелось…Ребята теперь в каком-то даже совершенно экстатичном состоянии бьются в своем нирваническом дэт-грайндовом мирке, о котором 99,99% существ и не подозревают. Мне альбом показался отчасти весёлым, но действительно, бластовым больше, чем в начале 90-х гг. Четкого деления на песни нет, сплошная каша угара и мощи. Недорезанным металлистам посвящается.
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просмотров: 28310 |
Two polluting lifestyle doctrines in defense
Re-assess the threats to well-being
And clear your heads
Dialogue (is a) powerful drug?
(not) verbal poison
Abstinence works for me, not for them.
Intolerance, far worse things? this makes no sense
Take the poison
2. Next On The List
Next on the list?
Such a smug parasite
Snug in the comfort zone
We stepped back and watched while you violated
our effects, our spirits, our souls
Opportunist scum, think you're so immune?
Opportunist scum, we yearn to see you removed.
Opportunist scum, truly spineless cunt.
Opportunist scum, basks in his loathsome glow.
Where once I was passive, I'm ready to snap.
A pound of flesh for those that you've taken
That smiling surround can't shield you forever
When it slips, we'll be there to fuck your world!
A slap in the face
A slap in the face
Don't turn your back, don't lower your guard
Or assume you're safe around fellow sharks
‘cause when I catch that patronizing smirk
(It) strengthens my will to smash your worthless bulk
A slap in the face
A slap in the face
A slap in the face
Goodbye to logic for this necessary justice [x 2]
3. Constitutional Hell
Everything fits nicely into place
Higher powers take the lead
Middleman sit, pondering his worth
One great scheme to stem (the) objective urge
and power playing
One up-manship
Show of hands
to clasp the myth
Vote in a new scourge
Everything fits nicely into place
Higher powers take the lead
Issues are decided before we've a chance to think
And moral high ground wins the day again
and power playing
principles spurned
Show of hands
to clasp the myth
Favors for my friends
it's a constitutional hell
where they pontificate and yell
Where etiquette outplays integrity
It's a constitutional hell
Everything fits nicely into place
higher powers take the lead
Sleeping giants show their real worth
I'll sum up on all the good you've done this earth...
4. Vermin
The rats on/ this earth/ have nothing on you
An insult/ to those which/ crawl the sewers
Devourer, plunderer, deceptor
Sniff out a/ scheme/ and leave the scraps behind
Voracious, insatiable? A nose attuned to greed
Devourer, plunderer, deceptor
Evade all traps
and come out gnashing, snarling, gnashing, snarling!
Disguises are many
Media pawn or man on the street
They'll scavenge your emotions
and leave you diseased
They'd steal a last possession
And smile as you concede
Devourer, plunderer, deceptor
5. The Volume Of Neglect
Speculate freely
begrudge me intensely
Lacking a conscience
lacking intelligence
Lesser than nothing
Lower than everything
As you drain our vitality
To a mundane reality
A form of therapy
Without compensation
A vague psychology
Free from obligation
intercept the negligence
accept the consequence
Amongst Barbaria
Mass hysteria
Opposite in a sign to abide
When the future is ours to decide
We continue to watch and observe
Just to find out what purpose it serves
Paralyzed? A spectacle for all to see
Happiness within our grasp, but out of reach
Volume of neglect
forcibly expressed
Volume of neglect
forcibly expressed
Devastate a silhouette, calm and serene
Abandon/ an systematic insane routine
Volume of neglect
forcibly expressed
Volume of neglect
forcibly expressed
Opposite in a sign to abide
When the future is ours to decide
We continue to watch and observe
Just to find out what purpose it serves
6. Thanks For Nothing
Serve my head on a plate
Pulp my heart with ill will
I did trust you, led to lust you, to be duped
Thanks for fucking nothing!
Serve my head on a plate
Pulp my heart with ill will
Sensed a mystique, turned to spent air? Killed it dead
Thanks for fucking nothing
Scraped the depths to salvage something
Thanks for fucking nothing
Drained my all, then dropped the bombshell
True, we were not joined/ our every feature spliced
Though you rushed in and took a lead
Three words spouted
This contagion
crossed all divides
caused a shift in protective focus
Three words flouted
Untimely end, I should've clicked? a sensory cut-out
A spoiling of the harmony, of which we were about
I don't despise or demonize, but I just know your form
Walk right out and move along, and leap before you look
Thanks for fucking nothing!
7. Can't Play, Won't Pay
Ten years
Of all-sides sniping
Fairness under fire
Ten long years
Rubbished objectives
Two-pronged shower of bile
Dirt/ is now scrubbed
From our own doorstep
But/ around every corner
Hides a high-roller
and heftily booted
So casual and concerned
make the acquaintance
Dance to soulless tunes
Dirt/ is now scrubbed
From our own doorstep
But/ around every corner
Hides a high-roller
Get this prick away from me!
Smash him and the leeching clique
Fawning grin that pulls you in [x2]
Golden handshake on the take [x2]
Get this prick away from me
(We're) Enemies of the Music Business
You corporate fuck!
Enemies of the music business
Black sheep on the cusp
Enemies of the music business
Ten years
Still didn't finish us
Much to their disdain
Ten long years
Regained the impetus
Thorns in the cash-whores' side
Dirt/ is now scrubbed
From our own doorstep
But/ around every corner
Hides a high-roller
8. Blunt Against The Cutting Edge
Blunt/ on the cuttong/ edge!
This is stylistic disaster
Or so I'm told
Won’t meet your estimations
Do well to fold
Can't keep up
to the dummy run
Am I redundant?
Nice and neat
(with a) sideline in grief
I'll stay unkempt
A real cutting edge is th scourge of the norm
For all the angst, you're tantrum-fuelled dolls
Abrasiveness a convenience
Sell for a score
Come up clean doing the dirty
Cut and run, then dissolve
Mould in motion
See straight through
Transparent you
A real cuting edge is the scourge of the norm
For all the angst, you're tantrum-fuelled dolls
I'm blunted, I'm blunted on the cutting edge
Sharpness diminished through truth to myself
I'm rusted, I'm rusted on the cutting edge
Sight-lines cloud over when met with pretence
Drop the act!
Drop the act!
I'm blunted, I'm blunted on the cutting edge
Sharpness diminished through truth to myself
I'm rusted, I'm rusted on the cuting edge
Sight-lines cloud over when met with pretence
Drop the act!
Drop the act!
9. Cure For A Common Complaint
So drawn? I warm to the fire in their hearts
This ain't romantic gesturing
It's a hand to head the charge
To the indifference of the preening, idle rich
Such champions are cancerous, tumours in the gut
of affluent bliss
Why let these scab observers tag them trouble-makers?
It's naive? You're on a leash.
This is the cure for their common complaint [x2, second time scream]
Ditch the gullibility
Strike 'til the green runs dry
bring them to their knees
Or squander as they thrive
Reject the cure for their common complaint [x2, second time scream]
On break,
Hoist those standards, arm in arm
Walk the walk and talk the talk
Agitate! Agitate! Agitate!
10. A Necessary Evil
I dissolve to a dream of the past
Terminate, to remove
Falling fast
at the end of a chain thoughts collect
Execute. A degree. I defect.
What's it worth?
Sacrifice the earth? It bleeds.
Meet your needs. Devilish deeds
Reconcile. Understood. Contemplate.
Desecrate. To denounce. Detonate.
Tentative. To reject. Overdue.
Final stage. To complete. Follow through.
Far too late.
Absolute hate? this Hell
An empty shell.
Desolate cells.
A necessary evil? bargaining pleas
Held at ransom? Or souls diseased
A necessary evil? the dominant role?
There's no escape? You crossed the solitary line.
11. C.S. (Conservative Shithead)
Tiresome/ out-grown/ rebel's seen the light
Re-a/ djusted? Disowned his staunch defiance.
The Anti-Christ shifts to the right
He wears his “x” and reviled mine.
Music to righteous ears [x4]
Moved out of step, seeking distorted views
Slack-brained sound bytes/ serve his public slop
Decries our values in decline
But should we starve, then that’s just fine.
Knee-jerk reactionary
Knee-jerk reactionary
The Anti-Christ shift to the righthis past a convenient oversight
Knee-jerk reactionary
Knee-jerk reactionary
Decries our values in decline
He'd flick the switch and watch us fry.
12. Mechanics Of Deceit
Cloaks of sickness/ keeping us sweet
Delusional blackness/ fictional madness
Visionary blackness/ traps are set
Revolving mind-doors/ conspiring our downfall
Which came first? The lies or deceit?
Why did the suffering cross the divide?
The dealer sold his soul/ to hide
And left us on the other side
The business lessons for which we burn
Desolate loops in which we turn
Saga of fools, a voyage of trust
No contracts bound
Gathering dust
Which came first? The secret or the crime?
Where does the loyalty cross the line?
The dealer sold his soul to hide
And left us on the other side
Tranquilize our denial
Vengeance is mine
Capitalize/ on regret
Kick aside what aspires
Vengeance is ours
Our defence won't expire
Eat the shit with a smile/ don't be frail
Our word is bound
Face the wall; fill the mould that we take
And break with our hands
Sign the line; it's your life
Don't be squeamish
Take the time, taste the sweat
Choke back your tongue
Mechanics, mechanics, mechanics of deceit
Glorified, butchered, bathed in malice
Sign the line; it's your life
Don't be squeamish
Take the time, taste the sweat
Choke back your tongue
at the shit with a smile, don't be frail
Our word is bound
Face the wall; fill the mould that we take
And break with our hands
Mechanics of deceit [x3]
Tranquilize our denial
Vengeance is mine
capitalize on regret
Kick aside what aspires
Vengeance is ours
Our defence won't expire--so beware!
13. (Public Gets) What The Public Doesn't Want
Name your price for progress
Impoverished settle the bill
Clear a path--coming through!
Clear a path--coming through!
Making it easy/ on the eye
Keep our distance--too underformed to grace the sublime
Flatter to decieve
Building arthouse cosmetics
Like a mismatched prosthetic
Like a mismatched prosthetic
Spreads like wildfire
Burgeoning yuppie nirvana
Highbrow aesthetics
Decadents always crave more
Marvel at/ the sleek design
The wilting talk/ of curves and lines
A piece-de/ resistance
To banish my pig-norance
The public gets/ what the public doesn't want
What use is this/ to man or beats
It glosses over/ basic needs
The public gets/ what the public doesn't want
Access denied/ we're utter philistines
Access denied/ we're utter philistines
Caged in the exclusion zone
Pass away/ in sepia tones
The public gets/ what the public doesn't want
Access denied? Accept we're cultural slime
Access denied? Accept we're cultural slime
14. Fracture In The Equation
Battered frantic, dressed in tragedy
Reach the point where time caught up, why me?
Paths we chose, the sorrows we cause
It's all forgotten instantly as pain calls
Just a fracture
in the equation of designs
drawing out life
Neutral unknown, a nervous calm
Answers tactically arranged--stalling time
Just a fracture
in the equation of designs
drawing on life
Second chance.