« A New Disease Is Born »
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1 | Spiral – 4:38
 | 2 | Reconcile – 4:25
 | 3 | Death-Like Silence – 4:35
 | 4 | A Condemned Club – 3:45
 | 5 | Scars – 3:39
 | 6 | De-Fame – 2:52
 | 7 | Scathing – 4:36
 | 8 | Surge of Pity – 4:12
 | 9 | Encircle – 3:33
 | 10 | Drone – 3:23
 | 11 | Spiritual Impulse – 3:33
 | 12 | A New Disease is Born (Instrumental) – 2:58
 | 13 | Ostentatious − 3:17 (Japan Bonus) |
   Jimmie Strimell − Death Vocals
Marios Iliopoulos − Guitar
Constantine − Guitar
Henric Carlsson − Bass
Alex Svenningson − Drums
Released March 12, 2007
Recorded December, 2006 Hansen Studios, Ribe, Denmark |
 | 1. Spiral
My screams of fear and fury collide, a desperate
pattern I follow. Turn into silence, but still I hear
the silence scream. Oh how this fills me up.
Searching for a moment like this.
Raised with your act as a guidance. I cannot take it.
I have to break this. Ware it down in smal |
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 После технически грамотного, но музыкально очень скучного “Descent into Chaos”, шведской группе Nightrage было необходимо что-то срочно менять, иначе все завоеванные отличным дебютом награды канут в небытие. Шведы решили поменять продюсера и обратились за помощью к датскому гуру Jacob’у Hansen’у, быстро приведшему дела команды в порядок. Несколько поменяв акценты в звучании, добавив мелодичности в композиции и усилив партии чистого вокала (который, к слову, весьма достоин), Nightrage потеряли в брутальности, но, в общем и целом, только от этого выиграли – “A New Disease Is Born” звучит ярко, хитово и очень свежо. Достаточно послушать первый трек “Spiral” с многочисленными, но очень грамотными и логичными ритмовыми изменениями, чтобы понять, каким стало новое лицо коллектива. Отличный гроул на забойных фрагментах удачно дополняется мелодичным рисунком гитар в сопровождении чистого вокала и, можно сказать, до определенной степени завораживает виртуозностью подачи. Место знаменитого Томаса Линдберга за микрофонной стойкой занял Jimmie Strimell, удачно вписавшийся в коллектив и сумевший благодаря своим талантам разнообразить музыку группы, что не замедлило сказаться на итоговом результате. “A New Disease Is Born” может отпугнуть только ортодоксов, для которых в современном Nightrage будет слишком много модных и, по их мнению, попсовых мелодий, но тем, кто ценит в шведском дэте больше забойности мелодичность а-ля In Flames и не чурается современных тенденций, этот альбом подарит массу положительных эмоций. (Диск предоставлен компанией Mazzar) |
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Выпустив вслед за ярким дебютником слабоватый "Descent Into Chaos", Nightrage немного подмочили свою репутацию, но с новым альбомом они реабилитировались сполна. Руководитель коллектива, Мариос Илиопулос, кардинально обновил состав и выдал с этой компанией породистый мелодик-дэт с эффектной лид-гитарой в лучших традициях гетеборгской школы. Место у микрофонной стойки занял Джимми Стримелл, который, помимо сочного гроула, владеет и чистым вокалом, что дает Nightrage больше простора для действий, чем при Томасе Линдберге. Очень забойно и очень мелодично - должно порадовать любителей In Flames времен "Colony" и At The Gates. |
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просмотров: 15175 |
My dreams have stopped but only for the moment.
I can feel it now. I can see it now. I'm in a downfall spiral.
Searching for a moment like this.
Raised with your act as a guidance.
Lead by your words and your lies. I cannot take it.
Searching for a moment like this.
Raised with your act as a guidance. I cannot take it.
Oh how this parasite consumes my inner bliss.
I can't take this much more. Take me away.
Searching for a moment like this.
Raised with your act as a guidance.
Lead by the words and your lies.
Searching for a moment like this.
Raised with your act as a guidance. I cannot take it.
Searching for a moment like this.
Raised with your act as a guidance.
Lead by your words and your lies. I cannot take it.
2. Reconcile
Your ordinary life goes on.
These memories of what happened so many years
ago are long gone.
Laid too rest. Deep inside of you.
But the time is now. When the past
becomes your future.
I am all that you need.
You're second place to dirt.
I bring what you deserve.
Now you're first place too.
Reconcile. I am leaving no trace.
You will be forgotten.
Reconcile. My hate crime is shaping up.
This is my vengeance.
I am sucking your marrow out. Sucking you dry.
Walking so empty entered this chasm of mine
In this world for you.
I am sucking your marrow out. Sucking you dry.
Walking so empty like a casket without a corpse
I have been re-inventing this world for you.
3. Death-Like Silence
This is the real news.
Old animosities that have surfaced once again.
Virtues and faults of a hypocrite race.
Inmost recesses of the soul.
Thoughts those were whirling through my head.
Dead feelings of my dreamy world
Arising from this ancient land
Looking back at the beautiful
Thing that we have lost
Makes me scream.
Love, Compassion, Eternity, Freedom.
I gave my blood for this honour.
Love, Compassion, Eternity, Freedom.
Always believing that there is
something good in this world.
Death-like silence.
There's only one way to find out.
I need to give my hand and I will
Be flying away again before the end comes.
Everything is turning in my head.
The air is like a big pile of empty
Thoughts. I can smell the flowers of anger.
Love, Compassion, Eternity, Freedom.
I gave my blood for this honour.
Love, Compassion, Eternity, Freedom.
Always believing that there is
something good in this world.
Redemption of the immortals.
The innocence of the sinner's.
Always believing that there is
Something good in this world.
4. A Condemned Club
I walk with a surrounding of dust.
The reapers following.
A condemned club for both weak and poor.
I tear my new flesh. Ripping and wearing it out.
Trying to rise in a cast only I know exists.
Abstaining my yesterday. Welcome my tomorrow.
Let the present lead. Head my inner bleed.
My acts of foolishness. Victimize the perpetual soil.
I, I, I, I die alone.
Screaming, fighting and tearing my inside.
Screaming fight in me.
This is the first trace of a weak show.
I know that as I take my first step into this freak
show. Lying down on the cold concrete.
Surrounded by my own stench. Panic rising,
Takes me further. This room has never looked this
Beautiful before.
5. Scars Of The Past
All my life I've been walking
In the shade of your dark world
Blinded by fears of this frail world
You've created. My mind my senses
Are totally numb. Falling deeper
Into your reality. A never-ending pain
is pounding my head from the inside.
In your arms
I fall into knifes
In your life
I'll breath
All your lies
Am I all that you got?
I reach out my hand
But every time you just
Push me away
These memories hurt me all time.
Now I'm left with scars in my mind.
With scars in my mind.
6. De-Fame
All I knew all I realize
A scornful look,
That seemed like respect,
What I care
All the bad memories.
What I felt
Only the negative signs
All I realize
Was the bitter end
Never again sirens of madness
Separate falsehood, from the truth,
Seems so hard, to find the right answers.
Broken dreams,
Tears without a meaning, faces with false
Laughter. No place to hide, too cold inside...
Broken dreams,
Tears without a meaning, faces with false
Laughter. Defamer you were you will always be.
7. Scathing
When the truth is revealed, when emotions are
Frozen, a sky suffused with darkness.
Eyes swimming in tears, a deadly sense of reality.
The restless cycle of life.
Returning from an empty past.
All that I lived through passions and views bury
The hatchet, it there any true (meaning on this life?)
Falsification of the human touch, waves breaking
with a roar. Falsification of the human touch,
sickly pallor, formless mass. His scathing character.
Walking by this dark river rising up from the
Dirty lies. All that I have lived, everything that I
Care, you become stronger with positive thoughts.
Fulfilling the dream
His life was embittered
Is there any true meaning on this life?
Fulfilling the dream
This empty reality
(His life was embittered) By his actions.
A so-called friend.
8. Surge Of Pity
A lie hurts more than the truth.
My favorite scary colour, peered
into the darkness these small uncertain moves.
Is there any truth in their words?
Misfortune never come singly
They went over to my enemies.
Fighting against heavy odds.
Shameless lie uncontrolled figures.
Bow to the inevitable
Life playing such games
Can you really answer these
Harmless questions of life?
Audience of the madness remnants of my mind
Invading my thoughts. Conjure up the spirit of the
Deeds speak louder than words
Harsh actions a suspicious look.
The pricking of thorns, the sting of remorse
The stimulus of praise.
Listening to this dead march, under a maze of pity.
A surge of pity. The pricking of thorns.
The stimulus of praise.
9. Encircle
Let me go, Let me break this wall,
Let me build me up again,
My inner generation strikes me
With mechanical signals.
Broken sound encircle
This inhuman behavior.
An imaginary world you say?
Still my fate is lead by this deviate game.
Circulating the scene
For the very last time,
Finding nothing.
Am I forever?
Creating my ways.
You are creating my ways.
Gathering the lies
And applying the form.
I let it dwell, this is the past,
And now let me lead the future.
10. Drone
There is another machinery taking all the hit.
Spreading out it is filth ignoring the perpetual,
Guilty. This phase is what consumes me.
Repent, this is my bitterness.
I'm waiting for this all to end.
Forged to function complete,
The sight you see is never before seen,
The words you speak have never been heard.
All new! All gone! So my words didn't lie.
Everywhere I turn I see the same face,
Striking me, hitting me, killing me.
Every where I turn I feel the same fear.
Collapsed, I'm being erased.
I'm waiting for my chapter to be written.
I'm waiting for this all to end.
Everywhere I turn I see the same face,
Striking me, hitting me, killing me.
Every where I turn I feel the same fear.
Collapsed, I'm being erased.
11. Spiritual Impulse
There is no way I can escape.
Barbwires around my wrist feet and neck.
Electric wires connected,
Within a caged inbreed
Penetrable for all and everything
On chemical ground I stand
On my dead wings I fly the sick earth,
The ground is piercing me when I walk it,
Parted from the soil, I'm parted from life itself.
Parted from you.
It makes me go insane
All my senses, numb
This hell surrounds me every day
It makes me go insane
All my senses, numb
Nothing can save me now.
So you really think that this is all over and gone?
So you really think that this is forgotten?
Selected. By spiritual impulse,
Selected by random design
This possessing reality has followed me
Within a caged inbreed
Penetrable for all and everything
On chemical ground I stand
It makes me go insane
All my senses are numb
Nothing can save me
12. A New Disease Is Born