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Фирменные и лицензионные CD (много раритетов!) (метал, рок)
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Автор:  Hecatomb [ Ср 31.08.2011, 13:29 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Фирменные и лицензионные CD (много раритетов!) (метал, рок)

Фирменные CD:

3rd - 2000 - Highest Human Form {Raptures Asylum, WOE002CD} (progressive death metal) - 250р
Alarum – 2004 - Eventuality {Earache, MOSH-314-CD} (progressive/thrash metal/fusion) - 450р
Alchemist - 2000 - Organasm {Displeased, D-00072} (avant-garde death/progressive metal) - 450р
Anacrusis - 1991 - Manic Impressions {Metal Blade, 9-26616-2} (progressive thrash metal) - 800р
Arakain - 1998 - Apage Satanas {Popron Music, 54-250-2} (speed/thrash metal) - 300р
Atheist - 2010 - Jupiter {Season Of Mist, SOM-208} (progressive jazz death/thrash metal) - 450р
Aydra - 2001 - Icon of Sin {Self-Released} (technical progressive death metal) - 600р
Aydra - 2004 - Hyperlogical Non-Sense {X-Treme Rising, XT-002} (technical progressive death metal) - 650р
Barracuda - 2003 - Humanimal {Elysion Music, EM-004-0301-CD} (technical death metal) - 250p
Brute Chant - 2002 - Killer Each Of You {Father Productions, FAP-003} (jazz/death metal) - 300р
Chuck Schuldiner - 2004 - Zero Tolerance {Karmageddon Media, KARMA021} (progressive/death metal) - 400р
Chuck Schuldiner - 2004 - Zero Tolerance II {Karmageddon Media, KARMA056} (death metal) - 300р
Condemned Cell - 2004 - Shadows Of The Past {Discultured Prod., DSCD04-01} (dark/doom Metal) - 150р
Coram Lethe - 2009 - ...A Splendid Chaos {Punishment 18, P18R-012} (melodic technical death metal) - 250р
Cryptopsy - 1998 - Whisper Supremacy {Century Media, 7921-2} (technical death metal) - 500р
Cynic - 2008 - Traced In Air {Season Of Mist, SOM-182} (progressive metal) - 450р
Cynic - 2010 - Re-Traced (EP) {Season Of Mist, SOM-216} (progressive metal) - 400р
D.V.C. - 1992 - Molecular Shadow {Manufacture Sound Output Co., SPV-084-76462} (technical death metal) - 400р
Dark Heresy - 1995 - Abstract Principles Taken To Their Logical Extremes {Unisound Records, USR 020} (technical death metal) - 350р
Death - 1998 - The Sound Of Perseverance {Nuclear Blast, 27361-63372} (progressive death metal) - 500р
Dive In Minds - 2001 - Innocent Victims {Furias Records, FO300} (progressive death metal) - 300р
Extrovert - 2005 - Разбудив Океан {Blacksmith Prod., BSP-09} (progressive metal) - 180р
Extrovert - 2007 - Серебряная Нить Или Там Где Заканчивается Явь {Blacksmith Prod., BSP-20} (progresive art/ambient/fusion) - 200р
Glacial Fear - 1997 - Frames {Nocturnal Music, CD-003} (technical death metal) - 350р
Gonin-Ish - 2005 - Naishikyo-Sekai {Season Of Mist, SOM-180} (extreme progressive metal) - 400р
Gorguts - 2006 - Live In Rotterdam {Prodisk, PRO004-2} (death metal) - 300р
Grenouer - 2005 - Try (EP) {Siberian League, CR-5} (industrial metal) - 80р
Hieronymus Bosch - 1995 - The Human Abstract {CD-Maximum, CDM-0804-1979} (technical progressive death metal) - 150р
Hieronymus Bosch - 2005 - Artificial Emotions {CD-Maximum, CDM-0405-2241} (technical progressive death metal) - 150р
Hieronymus Bosch - 2008 - Equivoke {CD-Maximum, CDM-1008-2920} (technical progressive death metal) - 150р
Infamia - 1994 - Infamia {Zasko Lab, ZL9-IF1-94} (jazz/death metal) (technical/jazz/progressive death metal) - 900р
Infektor - 2002 - Ahuar Maiek {War Is Imminent Prods., INF-001} (technical death/thrash metal) - 250р
Karnak - 2002 - Melodies Of Sperm Composed {The Twelfth Planet, TWP-004} (progressive death metal) - 650р
King Crimson - 2003 - The Power To Believe {Sanctuary, SANCD-155} (progressive rock) - 550р
Lifeless - 1999 - The Reconciliation. The Third Of A Trilogy {Shiver/Msound, MSRCD-013} (progressive death metal) - 250р
Liquid Graveyard - 2009 - On Evil Days {My Kingdom Music, echo-052} (avant–garde progressive death metal) - 250р
Meshuggah - 2005 - Catch 33 {Nuclear Blast, 27361-13112} (progressive/death/technical thrash/math metal) - 450р
Necrost - 2004 - Conception Of Noise {Monsters Corp./Starless Rec., mc 02-2004/str 005} (progressive death metal) - 300р (имеется в двух экземплярах)
Negativa - 2006 - Negativa {Prodisk, PRO-005-2} (experimental death metal) - 300р
Neglected Fields - 1998 - Synthinity {Father Productions, FAP-002} (technical progressive death metal) - 300р
Nocturnus - 1990 - The Key {Earache, MOSH-23-CD} (technical atmospheric death metal) - 1550р
Nocturnus - 1992 - Thresholds {Earache, MOSH-55-CD} (technical atmospheric death metal) - 1500р
Nocturnus - 2000 - Ethereal Tomb {Season Of Mist, SOM-024} (technical atmospheric death metal) - 550р
Nova Art - 2009 - Follow Yourself {My Kingdom Music, echo-046} (progressive metal) - 220р
Phantasmagory - 2002 - Anamorphosis Of Dreams {Stygian Crypt, SCP-005} (progressive death metal) - 300р
Symbyosis - 2000 - Crisis {Listenable, POSH024} (progressive death metal) - 300р
Thelema - 2008 - Fearful Symmetry {Soulflesh Collector, SFCO8-024} (progressive death metal) - 200р
Thy Nature - 1995 - Thy Nature {Nosferatu, NOSF-VS-008} (progressive death metal) - 850р
Uncrossed - 2002 - DELetio {CD-Maximum, CDM-1203-1651} (progressive/groove metal) - 200р
Valkyria - 2005 - Mystical Mass {Jet Noise, JN-076-2} (progressive death/thrash metal) - 180р
Vivid X - 2004 - V.Xtremal Progress {Blacksmith Prod., BSP-05} (progressive death/thrash metal) - 200р
Wayd - 2001 - Barriers {Metal Age Productions, MAP-025} (technical/experimental/jazz death metal) - 320р
Wayd - 2003 - Decadance {Metal Age Productions, MAP-041} (technical/experimental/jazz death metal) - 320р
Wayd - 2007 - Ghostwalk {Hrom, HRM-011} (technical/experimental/jazz death metal) - 300р

Лицензионные CD:

Abscess - Through the Cracks of Death {Soyuz} (death metal) - 130р
Akercocke - Choronzon {Soyuz} (progressive death metal) - 130р
Alarum – Eventuality {Soyuz} (progressive/thrash metal/fusion) - 130р
Capharnaum – Fractured {Soyuz} (progressive death metal) - 130р
Chuck Schuldiner - Zero Tolerance {Irond} (progressive/death metal) - 120р
Confessor – Unraveled {CD-Maximum} (progressive doom metal) - 135р
Cryptopsy - And Then You'll Beg {FONO} (technical death metal) - 130р
Cryptopsy - Once Was Not {FONO} (technical death metal) - 130р
Cryptopsy - Whisper Supremacy {FONO} (technical death metal) - 130р
Death - Spiritual Healing {FONO} (death metal) - 135р
Decapitated - Nihility {Soyuz} (technical death metal) - 130р
Decapitated - The Negation {Soyuz} (technical death metal) - 130р
Illogicist – Subjected {CD-Maximum} (technical death metal) - 135р
Nile - Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka {Irond} (brutal/technical/progressive death metal) - 130р
Nile - Annihilation of the Wicked {Irond} (brutal/technical/progressive death metal) - 130р
Nile - Black Seeds of Vengeance {Irond} (brutal/technical/progressive death metal) - 130р
Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines {Irond} (brutal/technical/progressive death metal) - 130р
Nile - Ithyphalic {Irond} (brutal/technical/progressive death metal) - 130р
Sceptic - Pathetic Being {CD-Maximum} (technical death metal) - 120р
Strapping Young Lad - City {FONO} (death, heavy, industrial, thrash) - 130р
Strapping Young Lad - Heavy As A Really Heavy Thing {FONO} (death, heavy, industrial, thrash) - 130р
Vader - Impressions In Blood {CD-Maximum} (death metal) - 130р
Vader - The Beast {FONO} (death metal) - 130р
Vital Remains - Icons Of Evil {FONO} (death metal) - 130р

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