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Мой город:  Клубы Организаторы Города
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Lord Of The Lost





1. On This Rock I Will Build My Church
2. Loreley
3. Morgana
4. Full Metal Whore
5. Sex on Legs
6. Naxxar
7. Black Halo
8. Drag Me to Hell
9. Prison
10. Under the Sun
11. Haythor
12. Dry the Rain
13. Six Feet Underground
14. Credo (Chris & Gared)
15. Bad Romance (Lady Gaga cover)
16. Blood for Blood
17. Doomsday Disco
18. Die Tomorrow
19. La Bomba
20. Forevermore
21. Lighthouse

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Фото: Маргарита Каррентс

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Lord Of The Lost

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опубликовано: 1 Mar 2019      просмотров:3823


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