 Где-то на форуме я уже писал про этот альбом – «собралась банда отвязных сорвиголов и решила сыграть что-то такое эдакое». В общем-то, что-то такое эдакое у них получилось – все драйвово, злостно, относительно технично, но сыровато. По сути самые интересные вещи на альбоме – «rivers_bottom» - развеселая такая, энергичная песенка, и «forever_embedded» - заключительный медленный трек, надо сказать очень даже достойный на фоне остального материала, в некоторых местах напоминающий заключительную часть "Touch Of Red" у In Flames (когда после самой песни начинается гитарный перебор). В остальном же – все посредственно и как-то одинаково скучно, не то чтобы тупая, но все же долбежка без души и мысли, грязновато записанная, в которой ясно прорисовывается дилетантский подход музыкантов – «лишь бы что сыграть позлее да покруче, остальное – в топку».
Так что я не считаю, что эта работа достойна оценки выше четверки. |
Murderer, my dark angel of God
Make me suffer in my eternal Hell
The hands of a maker, your false creator
Your message in a trap!
The hands of a maker
Take my inhibitions, burn 'em down
Learn from decadence
Eyes turn from blue to gray from my deception
Blacken the eyes of a tyrant
Rivers bottoms, take me with you
3. Beast Burden
A self destructive pattern
A human God
Born from disease, warfare, the son of reflection
Hey messiah! Is this a game that you play
A reason for everyday brutality
Slaughter the weak
Words that stand on their own, never forgotten
Tragedy, hypocrisy, never forgotten
A self destructive pattern
A human God
Born from disease, warfare, the son of reflection
Hey messiah! Is this a game that you play
A reason for everyday brutality
Slaughter the weak
Words that stand on their own, never forgotten
Tragedy, hypocrisy, never forgotten
A self destructive pattern
Wars waged so meaningless
When does it end and peace begin
A reason for everyday brutality
4. The Offering
Choking on the bullshit you feed yourself
A religion that promises everything
To those at will, the black sheep of humanity
So you sold your soul
To the first in line
You play the role of a savior
To make yourself look better
Bend the eyes of God, it all seems so much clearer
So you sold your soul
To the first in line
Searching for a cure, the plague of mankind
You play the role of a savior
To make yourself look better
In the eyes...
The scars of redemption tell me who you are
Deliver, relieve me
When I say the world was scarred by you
Plagiarism never lies
Resistance is futile
You play the role of a savior
To make yourself look better
In the eyes of God
5. Knife In Hand
From the moment at birth
Nothing has changed, your just living a lie
So you bow your head deep in sorrow
In your hands open eyes
Suffer from the ignorance that you wear
I decide on your life expectancy
Dreams filled with fear
Nightmares that bury you to your knees
Every ounce of blood
Scars that never even judge me
You seem to cry
In your pathetic waste of life
Knife in hand
In my mental state
I become something more
A wall of remorse
Social obscurities, nature of seclusion
I become something more
From the moment at birth
Nothing has changed, your just living a lie
So you bow your head deep in sorrow
In your hands open eyes
Suffer from the ignorance that you wear
I decide as you shut down the cause
Dreams filled with fear
Nightmares that bring you to your knees
6. As the Coil Unwinds
An ounce of your pathetic waste of life weighs me down
I think its time you become extinct to this reality
An answer to a demise
The horror underneath this so called life
A passion for the blood of a martyr
A promise to forgive a world from sin
The plague that will forever murder man
As the coil unwinds
This time you will see my true feelings
The cell that you live in will remain
The liars forming the hollow grave
The inter sanctum of what made me
Liars forming another one down
Burn the cross so we shall live
As the coil unwinds
The meaning of the defined
As the coil unwinds
The meaning of life is defined
Say a prayer for the box life
I will become your eyes inside all this silence
Adore me as I scream
Say a prayer for the murderer, for you designed him
Say a prayer for the child, my only sin, my only soul
Say a prayer for the murderer, for you designed him to kill
Behold the truth, the coil unwinds
As the coil unwinds
7. Bridges Will Burn
I gave myself to you
Bored of the regrets, further from sane
Broken down images of violence still remains
As time withers away the words of those who've fallen
Face the son of a man in mourning
Bridges will burn
So will your lies
Bridges will burn
Your sacrifice
Take me away on your wings of lead
As we fall, the pleasures become perverse
Beyond desperate eyes
As you open the gates of a life left behind
The world we'll fight and I will rise above it
I tried to remember
I've seen this far too long
My soul is riped and torn
Time will open this cage revenge
8. Structures Collapse
Slit the throat of those that deceive
Bleeding from the eyes, do you believe
Persecute me for my sins
Destroying what you know into this abyss
Mentally controlled
A life that don't exist
Your beauty falls in line
Between broken fingers and a homicide
I possess my sin in my hands
Destroying everything you know
Live by the cross, the aftermath of God
My soul is withered, it's harvest time
Our hands are against our eyes
Blind from what you know
Your ignorance is bliss, your mistake
Destroying everything you know
Liars, they make the best of everything
The curse of one, pleasures burned
The wrongfully accused, backwards and abused
The reckoning carve this world
Don't inspire, this abyss is true
You know no one dies, we are the lifeless few
Don't back down
9. Stained Glass
Inside a world of spiritual forgiveness
Shelter a place of peace
Nailed to your cross of doubt, why?
One stab at life, you see the truth
My hands bleed for you
Open the gates of Hell
Let 'em in, farewell
Tired of being like the rest, in your coma
Nail to your cross of doubt, why?
Wash away all thy sins, Christ
In a way we'll all crumble to dust
Time will open up the wounds that never heal
Cries, broken down, lies
Botched life, this will never become a life without sins
Eternal suffering, never forgive
The plague of ages, the guilty will form true
Take my hands, I bleed for you
10. Sever the Ties
A bid farewell to those below
A crushing force set to explode
The tears of shame, the tears of regret
Bury the axe, destroy and protect against lies
The horror of loosing your soul in vain
Sever the ties, unbroken
Sever the ties, approaching redemption
Remain in the past, it's better that way
Alone in your thoughts, the guilty will pay
Blinded by light, a shadow will fall
The blood of the weak is stronger then all true lies
The horror of loosing your soul in vain
As we walk through the valley of the shadow of death
We'll see our own reflections black out our eyes again
We'll see our reflections through lies
Tell me what's this suppose to be
As our thoughts become delayed from this shame
11. Forever Embedded