 Группа TYR уже давно заняла в моём сердце прочное место. Вначале мне они просто нравились. Вплоть до альбома „Land“ импонировала „наивность“ музыки — её естественность, бережное использование наследия Black Sabbath в сочетании с очень проработанными и довольно прогрессивными партиями гитары. После прослушивания альбомов TYR и тогда возникало, и сейчас возникает чувство, что это и есть современные викинги, сменившие оружие на инструменты и не нашедшие себе в жизни другого, более прибыльного занятия, чем игра на гитарах и пение на своём родном, почти уже исчезнувшем языке. Слушая викинг-металл других групп (Amon Amarth, Ensiferum, Turisas), не могу отделаться от ощущения «просмотра шоу», пусть очень хорошего, но всё-же современного «перфоманса». А вот ребятам из TYR — верю! А после выхода «By the Light of the Northen Star», и особенно после «The Lay of Thrym» , в который вошло какое-то просто нереальное количество хитов, я понимаю, что TYR взяли и потеснили в моём сердце пауэр-мастеров типа Stratovarius, Falconer, Timeless Miracle.
Альбом „Valkyrja“ менее хитовый по сравнению с предыдущим. Он более лиричный и мрачный по настроению. Оно и понятно, ведь основной смысловой посыл «The Lay of Thrym»: боевой кураж, ратный подвиг, а вот „Valkyrja“ о том, что происходит на поле брани, где сражение уже закончилось... Даже «Fanar Burtur Brandaljóð» или «Grindavisan» - песни на фарерском диалекте, которые обычно звучат как торжественные гимны, меняются по ходу и переходят в скоростной пауэр с минорными гармониями. TYR уже достигли очень высокого уровня гитарного мастерства. А Тери Скибенез — просто чудо-гитарист: в «Lady Of The Slain» можно услышать такой потрясающий растянутый во времени на несколько секунд солирующий гитарный эффект, звучащий к месту и гармонично, который можно было ожидать скорее от спейс-рокеров. Музыка TYR звучит очень убедительно даже на фоне их каверов Iron Maiden «Where Eagles Dare» и Pantera «Cemetery Gate», которые включены в этот альбом. Таким образом, TYR отдали дань уважения великим группам родом из восьмидесятых. Есть на диске традиционная металл-баллада невероятной красоты «The Lay of Our Love», где с вокалистом Хери поёт приглашённая вокалистка. Это, наверное, и есть та самая Валькирия, которая уносит души павших викингов в Вальхаллу. Поставлю альбому 8 (хотя другой бы группе при таком раскладе была бы семёрка), поскольку есть у меня чувство, что TYR ещё не всё сказали, не всё ещё сделали, что могли… и судимы будете по чистоте сердца своего... |
Iron will – warrior skill
And how far away they fell
Set us free – destiny
For tonight we dine in Hel
He fell alone
And his name was carved upon a stone
Fire bade him last farewell
Wouldn't mind my name up there as well
Legends might recall my…
[Guitar solo]
Legends should recall their…
2. Mare Of My Night
The cold of night falls on a fleeting evening's air
As I lie down beside the sweet scent of her hair
The night steels inside and soon I sail the seas of sleep
Where ancient shadows slither in the darkened deep
My goddess withdrew and a nightmare came true
The mare of my night
Painfully she lies upon me
In my darkest hour she is there
A religious rite
Lustfully she goes down on me
In her eyes I see the fires flare
The mare of my night
Terror takes me now she rides me like a mare
I slide in ever deeper sweat-drenched in despair
I pray she won't play the painful passage on my flute
She sucked me dry and left me nameless in the nude
[Guitar solo]
3. Hel Hath No Fury
Some things we cannot mend
And good times always come to an end
Here at the dawn of a day a painful path
Unfolds before my eyes
So if you will, mortal men, remain
Fly me away, chooser of the slain
Above the blood drenched fields
Of furious battle high the fairest flies
I pulled her arrow from out my heart
We wandered already worlds apart
And I have seen the heavens hold no rage
Like love to hatred turned
The gods may grant me a brighter day
There's more where that came from anyway
Life holds no promises nor Hel a fury
Like a woman scorned
Faith was the star that fell
It may forebode our last farewell
Still others shine their height
And hopeful light on distant shores at dawn
Our days are all but a ghost of grey
And I am already far away
For I have walked alone in shadow
Since my goddess has withdrawn
I pulled her arrow from out my heart
We wandered already worlds apart
And I have seen the heavens hold no rage
Like love to hatred turned
The gods may grant me a brighter day
There's more where that came from anyway
Life holds no promises nor Hel a fury
Like a woman scorned
Life holds no promises nor Hel a fury
Like a woman scorned
4. The Lay Of Our Love
One morning
As the leaves were falling
I found my life leaving
Couldn't help but calling
And he must have heard my cry
Turning to me with a tear in his eye
One autumn
Parting came relieving
She ran up behind me
Poorly hid her grieving
Come wailing wind chill my heart
Come the rain fall on me as I depart
Life left us
Yesterday's outshining
Our any tomorrow
With a silver lining
Remember a distant day
For even memories may fade away
Come lay down
By my side and sing me
An ode to the fallen
Make it come inside me
Do you ever think thereof
While the cold wind weeps the lay of our love
5. Nation
[Dedicated to the People of Iceland and to the memory of Ingólfur Júlíusson]
All that I had
In which I took delight
Out of sight
All that of which I dreamt
All that I was longing for
Now lost somewhere in time
Hidden in a heathen rhyme
Dreams that hold a nation
Time comes to turn
Misfortunes back around
Gaining ground
Time will return for dreams
Time for what we're longing for
By law we built this land
Would that it forever stand
Dreams that hold a nation
Allt, sem þjóðin átti og naut
Allt, sem hana dreymur
Allt, sem hún þráði og aldrei hlaut
Alþýðustakan geymir
[English translation:]
All that the nation had and enjoyed
All that it dreams of
All that it longed for and never had
Is kept in folklore
6. Another Fallen Brother
Weary wanderers
Marching on and on
What I used to be
Now seems so long gone
Whether it's right or it's wrong
Cry havoc heathens
No quarter for the other
Valhalla here comes
Another fallen brother
This day will be my renown
In death I will go down
And we charge across the field
Though the resistance is strong
This is where I belong
For my fate has long been sealed
In the thick of it
Comes our time to die
They have come for us
See them fly up high
Look at me choosers of the slain
Cry havoc heathens
No quarter for the other
Valhalla here comes
Another fallen brother
This day will be my renown
In death I will go down
And we charge 'cross the field
Though the resistance is strong
This is where I belong
For my fate has long been sealed
7. Grindavísan
[Dedicated to Paul Watson]
Raske drenge grind at dræbe
Det er vor lyst
Godmodig er han som han er stærk
Han kender ikke sin vælde
Ellers måtte sit dristige værk
Forfølgeren snart undgælde
Raske drenge grind at dræbe
Der er vor lyst
Her de kyster af hviden sand
Hinanden sig broderlig nærme
Og indeslutte det stille vand
Som høje fjelde beskærme
Rase drenge grind at dræbe
Der er vor lyst
[English translation:]
[The Ballad Of The Grind]
Healthy lads grind to kill
That's what we like
Good-natured is he as he is strong
He does not know his might
Otherwise for his daring work
The hunter would soon be punished
Healthy lads grind to kill
That's what we like
Here the beaches of white sand
Each other brotherly approach
And enclose the still water
That high mountains defend
Healthy lads grind to kill
That's what we like
8. Into The Sky
Gone is all my pain
I called her down
As I lay among the slain
I'm unrejected
Come my Valkyrie take me into the sky
Up where heroes of the north go when they die
Forever be our victory
Come my Valkyrie on high
And though I fell
She raised me up.
Made my foes all dwell in Hel
I'm resurrected
Come my Valkyrie take me into the sky
Up where heroes of the north go when they die
Forever be our victory
Come my Valkyrie on high
With sword in hand
On heathen land
Come my Valkyrie take me into the sky
Up where heroes of the north go when they die
Forever be our victory
Come my Valkyrie on high
9. Fánar Burtur Brandaljóð
Fánar burtur brandaljóð
Lokin er mín sigursferð
Hifar at tøla tað floygda fljóð
Eingin er líki hennar í hesu verð
Farið havi ey fjart um lond
Handan hav og høgu fjøll
Higar at tøla ta liljuvond
Einsamøll steig hon á mín feigdarvøll
Burtur frá hesari jarðargrund
Yvir høv og háfjøll køld
Flýgur meg fagrasta menjarsprund
Endar øld handan høgu stjørnufjøld
[English translation:]
[The Sound Of Swords Fades]
Fades the sound of swords
My tour of victory is over
Here to score the flying woman
There's none like her in this world
I have traveled far over lands
Beyond ocean and high mountains
Here to score the amazing woman
Alone she trod upon my field of death
Away from this ground
Over oceans and high mountains cold
Flies me the fairest woman
Ages end beyond high star crowd
10. Lady Of The Slain
Wanton wager
On a war torn way
Take my treasure
For another day
Fettered felines and a battle swine
Feast like there's no future now, showing no restraint
Mead and mayhem, golden drink divine
Let me in your heathen hall, lady of the slain
Tears of red gold she cries
Tales have her realm far beyond the skies
And if a battle was your demise
May come the night when you see she cries
Tears of red gold
Pain and pleasure
My reality
Life of leisure
Or a fantasy
Burning beauty hung above her breast
Moments in her company, high and holy pain
Flaming fairness, I will find no rest
Until I have reached your hall, lady of the slain
Tears of red gold she cries
Tales have her realm far beyond the skies
And if a battle was your demise
May come the night when you see she cries
Tears of red gold
11. Valkyrja
Once I had a vision and a light
Something worth my aspiration and a fight
And there was a time when all this only seemed
Like some sky-aspiring vision I had dreamed
Faded grey are all the days of yesteryears
So much time has turned to memories and to tears
Lately I have often sat and thought till dawn
Of the days that are to come and those forgone
Seemed my time had passed me by
Like clouds across the sky
I was lost just like a raven in the night
Most dreams waste away alas
Mine all have come to pass
Since I laid my eyes upon my guiding light
Late is now the hour of the day
And I've long ago run out of words to say
Deep within I had the will to find a way
Others fled to fight again some other day
I've heard said that all is fair in love and war
That a golden key can open any door
And remember if you feel all hope is gone
That the darkest hour comes just before the dawn
Seemed my time had passed me by
Like clouds across the sky
I was lost just like a raven in the night
Most dreams waste away alas
Mine all have come to pass
Since I laid my eyes upon my guiding light
12. Where Eagles Dare
[originally by Iron Maiden]
It's snowing outside the rumbling sound
Of engines roar in the night
The mission is near the confident men
Are waiting to drop from the sky
The blizzard goes on but still they must fly
No one should go where eagles dare
Bavarian alps that lay all around
They seem to stare from below
The enemy lines a long time passed
Are lying deep in the snow
Into the night they fall through the sky
No one should fly where eagles dare
They're closing in the fortress is near
It's standing high in the sky
The cable car's the only way in
It's really impossible to climb
They make their way but maybe too late
They've got to try to save the day
The panicking cries the roaring of guns
Are echoing all round the valley
The mission complete the make to escape
Away from the eagles nest
They dared to go where no one would try
They chose to fly where eagles dare
13. Cemetery Gates
[originally by Pantera]
Reverend reverend is this some conspiracy?
Crucified for no sins
An image beneath me
Whats within our plans for life
It all seems so unreal
I'm a man cut in half in this world
Left in my misery...
The reverend he turned to me
Without a tear in his eyes
It's nothing new for him to see
I didn't ask him why
I will remember
The love our souls had
Sworn to make
Now I watch the falling rain
All my mind can see
Now is your (face)
Well I guess
You took my youth
I gave it all away
Like the birth of a
New-found joy
This love would end in rage
And when she died
I couldn't cry
The pride within my soul
You left me incomplete
Memories now unfold.
Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the
Cemetery gates
Sometimes when I'm alone
I wonder aloud
If you're watching over me
Some place far abound
I must reverse my life
I can't live in the past
Then set my soul free
Belong to me at last
Through all those
Complex years
I thought I was alone
I didn't care to look around
And make this world my own
And when she died
I should've cried and spared myself some pain...
Left me incomplete
All alone as the memories still remain
The way we were
The chance to save my soul
And my concern is now in vain
Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates