« Where Ironcrosses Grow »
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1 | Where Ironcrosses Grow 02:34
 | 2 | Forged With Hate 02:55
 | 3 | Me-God 04:20
 | 4 | Tragedy of the Faithful 03:47
 | 5 | Chasing the Serpent 04:13
 | 6 | Where Angels Fear to Tread 04:43
 | 7 | Sword of Light 03:24
 | 8 | As the Coins Upon Your Eyes 03:30
 | 9 | Children of the Cross 05:08
 | 10 | As I Pull the Trigger 03:38
 | | Total playing time: 38:12 |
   Matti Karki - vocals
David Blomqvist - guitars
Rickard Cabeza - bass
Fred Estby - drums |
Recorded at Sami Studios, Stockholm, December 02 - March 03
Produced and mixed by Fred Estby
Recorded and engineered by Fred Estby and Olle
Mastered by Hoffe Stannow at Cosmos Mastering,
All bass on this recording by David Blomqvist
except tracks 6 & 9 by Rickard Cabeza
Sound effects by Anders Olsso
Cover painting by Dan Seagrave
Photos by Anna Ledin |
 | 1. Where Ironcrosses Grow
Death is all around me, violence and decay
Screams of the dying, never leave my mind
Hanging helpless in barbed wire, another helpless victim
Cut to shreds in the rain of fire, bleeding, burning, suffering
Where blood and iron flow, the iron crosses grow
Piles of di |
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 Всё-таки люблю я этих, ныне почивших в бозе, почтенных стокгольмских живодёров! Творчество Dismember мне всегда напоминало старый-добрый топор лесоруба. Простой, добротный, безотказный и надёжный. Это ж топор, что с ним станется? И даже ржавый звук, которым всегда баловался коллектив на протяжении всей творческой деятельности, не портит этого общего положительного впечатления. “Where Ironcrosses Grow” начинается с титульной композиции, как удар этим самым топором по башке – резко и беспощадно. Типичный Dismember, и добавить больше нечего. Это значит, что всё на своих местах: хриплый, проклинающий всех и вся, ор Матти Карки; грязноватый звук и характерный притрэшёванный раздолбайский риффинг Дэвида Блюмквиста (на тот момент он один трудился на ниве истязания шестиструнного инструмента); а также его фирменные очаровательные соло, отдающие чуть ли не “мейденовской” мелодикой; и периодически выходящие на первый план барабаны Фреда Эстби. Изменений – ноль целых, хрен десятых на протяжении всех 38 минут звучания, то есть “Where Ironcrosses Grow” не успевает утомить и надоесть. Первые три вещи вихрем проносятся, периодически замедляясь для нагнетания атмосферы, а вот в “Tragedy Of The Faithful” бьёт в морду уже неприкрытый угарнейший мелодик-дэт. Впрочем, у этих шведов уже были замечены вылазки на соседский огород: навскидку могу вспомнить такие вещи, как “Collection By Blood” и “Of Fire”. Про традиционный шведский дэт, тем более, если речь идёт о классиках стиля, много говорить смысла нет, ибо про такую музыку всё уже давно сказано и написано. Просто хороший, в меру брутальный, в меру мелодичный альбом Dismember с неудачной обложкой работы Дэна Сигрэйва. |
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Словно залп из катюши расплющила мой череп заглавная композиция, расплющила, а её чёрное дело стали довершать оставшиеся девять композиций. И вдруг…. Тишина! Как всё? Что больше ничего не будет? Моя расплющенная голова просила больше, но безжалостные, как и их музыка, шведы, не сыграли больше ни ноты. Минус балл им за это.
Сырой, грязный, пахнущий железом, ржавый брутал, которому плевать на всякие там тренды. Группа «Расчлени!» осталась верна себе. Правда, главное здесь даже не степень брутальности (хотя это, отнюдь, не последний фактор), а некая свойственная Dismember атмосфера железа и ржавчины, присущая всем творениям это замечательного коллектива. Она как марка качества, присутствует во всём: от ударных, до баса. Смена вокалиста также ничем не повредила группе. |
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просмотров: 25148 |
Unseeing eyes, staring into nothingness
2. Forged With Hate
Stranger to empathy, numb to remorse, when I've taken your head I'm the winner of wars
So intense and demanding the vengeance inside, my will for power will never subside
Outgrowing sane control, I'm as close as your heartbeat
When only fear is audible screaming your name, dread the last sense that remains in this game
Stab my way through religious beliefs, life is such a slow disease
Faced down and thrashed to oblivion
Forged with hate
Concealed murder a tool of the trade, fate is sealed and deals are made
Fear established in society, smoke and shadow I chose to be
Embrace the moment of death
Reflect the invittions in my victims eyes, cut off their faces and all the lies
Behind the masks that haunt me all is hollow, still I search benath the raptures of the shallow
Now it all comes clear
After this there'll be nothing to fear
3. Me-God
As an echo from the past, recognition with a blast, an unbearable hate so vast,
I will ignite the world at last
Turned the key to sick, darkened mental shack, drained to fear, can't go back
Racing on down the bitter track, I have become a savior in black
Only the living are lost, persisting at any cost
Universal loss will be gain, suffering in the giving, bringer of pain
Presence of lunacy clouding the sky, passion for bloodshed comes to life
Armed with intentions to kill, ancient animosity grows with a thrill
Shed my skin as I'm closing in, cleansing the world from filth and sin
The death of millions my tribute to the end, no matter what I will never repent
Assassin for the masses on a power trip, madness from inside never losing it's grip
All my life they've been leading my way, mow the voices are drowned by mental decay
Time has come to unmask the dead, one by one of fire flame draped with dread
Screams of sirens are cutting through the air, calling my name I'm god don't you hear
4. Tragedy Of The Faithful
All these years I've stayed faithful
Through bitterness I've bled
Sacrifice, betrayal and deceit, has rid me of the weak
Tragedy of the faithful, dying for a lost cause
Tragedy of the faithful, loyalty unto death
At the mercy of the vengeful
Mislead and betrayed
Through darkness and misery
I've walked the bloodstained path
Tragedy of the faithful
So many has fallen
Tragedy of the faithful
Loyalty unto death
5. Chasing The Serpent
The day of insanityextending like a dream, the outcast of any tribe is king
Generations drowned in self-indulgence and deceit, mass suicide the liberating end
New gods will be born and killed to live again, religion as it's finest being breached
Monstrous conclusion breaks the surface all to late, heaven as the know it out of reach
God-fearing, despairing, each prayer a human grave
Armed and content with the battlefield laid out, delivering the bitter blow
When darkness is tyrant, never see the light, pay tribute to the overlord
As the body count is done and surviving priests dispatched, a martyr's nightmare begins
Atheism made out of divine neglect, on the side of angels unveiling the fiend
Fluid system of hatred made flesh, take the consequence of revelations
Godless god knows when, fail to evolve while chasing the serpent
Shallow and ashen the foundation of souls
Hollow existence, victimized and scorned
6. Where Angels Fear To Tread
War birds fly in tight formation, across the blackened sky
A thousand engines roar, tremors of the approaching storm
One man's insanity, revenge and retribution
Steel birds fat and laden with death, their bellies open wide
Commence to unleash a fiery death, upon the defenseless target
A thousand souls screaming in pain as incendiary bombs detonate
The smell, phosphor and petrol mix with the stench of burning flesh
Firestorms rage across the city, even the air seems to be aflame
The howl of air-raid sirens drowns the screams of pain
Non-combatants pay a bloody toll, whole city blocks disappear
Damnation and a raging inferno, destruction is complete.
7. Sword Of Light
OI am the light and the savior, I am the one who brings death to mankind
The bringer of silence, the source of life, hammer of justice, sword of light
Conflict will end uneasy peace, humanity's finest destructive art
Winds of war tear the world apart
Nations will crumble and new will arise, rising from the ashes "the one" emerge
Written in blood history reapeats itself, again and again in a ravenous purge
There is no peace has ever been, man killing man
Strong defeat the weak, we're always at war
Sword of light, burning bright, hand of doom, death to you all
Sword of light, might makes right, dwan of damnation, awaits us all
Shattered existence, survivors struggle to rebuild
Dance of death, burning world drowned in flames
8. As The Coins Upon Your Eyes
The sands of time are slipping through your fingers
Life's bitter journey, towards the end
Your time has come
Pass the threshold and beyond
With a conscience cold as the coins upon your eyes
Wear the flesh of fallen angels
Leave your earthly form behind
Across the seas of blood, to shores of the damned, nothingness surrounds now
Burning in this void, cleansed and remolded, stripped of a sinful past
A life of misery and pain, has come to it's end
All is black, all light has faded, howling demons tear your mind to shreds
Cast aside the flesh that binds you, what you want you shall become after death
9. Children Of The Cross
A thousand deaths I've seen, my mind is scarred beyond repair
Don't really care if I survive this life of mental despair
Lies, lies, see the madness in their eyes
Children of the cross, lost on the path of the dead
Undead my savior, from tomb to womb I folow thee
Stigmatized, crucified, I bleed my ife unto you
Seeking the source, of the dark I've become
Hatred and soul is now one
Killing the source of the light I despise
Hatred and life is now one
10. As I Pull The Trigger
What are these visions that trouble my weakened mind
Haunt my fevered dreams and dance before my wide awake eyes
Visions of death a murder, ravaged figures in pain
People dead and buried, filling my head with fear
Demons and shadows tear my world apart, shredding my sanity to pieces
Screaming in horror, crying in fear, my living nightmare never ends
Now I've realized it will never end
I'll do whatever it takes to send them out of my head
Goodbye to the world
Cannot find final words
The dark shadows disappear
As I pull the trigger