Vanishing Point
« Embrace the Silence »
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1 | Hollow 07:07
 | 2 | My Virtue 05:23
 | 3 | If Only I 05:21
 | 4 | Live 2 Live 05:54
 | 5 | Embraced 06:42
 | 6 | Season of Sundays 06:39
 | 7 | Once A Believer 07:01
 | 8 | Reason 06:06
 | 9 | Breathe 06:29
 | 10 | Somebody Save Me 04:29
 | 11 | Inside Yourself 05:08
 | 12 | A Life Less 06:59
 | 13 | As I Reflect 06:08
 | | Total playing time 01:19:26 |
   Silvio Massaro - vocals
Chris Porcianko - guitars
Tom Vucur - guitars
Danny Olding - keyboards
Joe Del Mastro - bass
Jack Lukic - drums |
 | 1. Hollow
A mind lapse succumbed by fear
The framework fades then disappears
Unto my world this loneliness surrounds me
Trust foresees it's final wake
I close my eyes, it's breath I take
Denied and drained are years befallen from me
In these hours seized by memories
Reflective paths of |
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 На создание третьего альбома у австралийцев Vanishing Point ушло аж 5 лет. За это время в состав влились клавишник и басист, слегка подрос уровень продакшна, а в плане стилистики группа взяла ориентир на более темповой (но и слишком стандартный) европавер. С одной стороны, альбом звучит более ровно, а также радует несколькими яркими хитами, с другой – музыка стала гораздо больше насыщена клише, которые могут разочаровать тех, кто ожидал от группы значительно более сложного материала, раз уж на австралийцев навесили этот громогласный, но не совсем адекватный ярлык «progressive».
По сути, чисто паверных, скоростных трэков на альбоме добрая половина, в числе которых есть и совсем банальные («Insight»), и вполне цепкие (как открывашка «Hollow» или мой фаворит «If Only I», который даже слегка отдаёт задором ранних Blind Guardian!). Две баллады и заезды в мелодичный хард-рок в паре трэков звучат нарочито коммерчески, но порой тоже радуют приятной мелодикой (например, проходной и скучный трэк «Season Of Sundays» буквально спасён сильным, ярким припевом).
Самыми удачными, на мой взгляд, у австралийцев получились среднетемповые мелодик-хэви трэки, которые с натяжкой можно сравнить с подобными композициями золотого состава Stratovarius – это «My Virtue», «Live To Live» и «Somebody Save Me». При этом все композиции содержат прогрессивные элементы, а почти половина имеет хронометраж около семи минут, но на самом деле они ориентированы скорее на запоминающиеся вокальные партии, чем на сложные, ломаные ритмы, характерные для классического progmetal. Каждый раз, когда группа пытается что-то слегка наворотить, это получается весьма неубедительно (например, такие тру-проговые вставки не совсем красят композиции «A Life Less» или уже упомянутую проходную «Insight»)
Красивый вокал Сильвио Массаро – это, конечно, главный козырь группы, одаряющий её особой притягательностью и сглаживающий значительные технические и продюсерские косяки, которых, увы, многовато. Думаю, именно качество звука, не дотягивающее на этом релизе до мировых стандартов, во многом стало для Vanishing Point неутешительным вердиктом и не позволило завоевать более широкую аудиторию. Гитары достаточно сырые, техника игры весьма средняя, а аранжировки также не столь богаты – эпизодические бледные оркестровки и вкрапления электроники не впечатляют, а клавишник Леонард Копилас, записавший с ними лишь этот единственный альбом, хоть и блеснул рядом неплохих пианинных тем, в основном, эксплуатировал дешёвенькие фоновые синтезаторные звуки.
Ну, и длительность альбома в 79 минут также не играет на руку австралийцам, ведь даже самый яркий материал за это время может утомить любого благосклонного к группе фэна, и сокращение двух-трёх трэков могло бы стать ещё одним плюсом этого, по сути, очень неплохого альбома. Хотя, на мой взгляд, он уступает предшественнику по идеям, наверняка многие поставят его на первое место в дискографии австралийцев, оценив растущий профессионализм и динамичность материала. Далее же группа продолжала расти, но, к сожалению, за исключением отдельных хитовых композиций, музыка становилась всё более скучной. Поэтому для ознакомления с Vanishing Point «Embrace The Silence», пожалуй, наиболее предпочтителен.
(Диск предоставлен компанией ФОНО). |
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Очередной и третий по счету альбом от австралийской прогрессив формации Vanishing Point. Не прошло и каких-то пяти лет, и вот оно, получите.
Начнем разбор с внешнего вида. Буклет выполнен в традиционном для многих подобных команд стиле, т.е. минимализм, и еще раз минимализм. На обложке некий символический культурист поддерживает небо вместе с названием оной группы, чтобы то, не дай бог, не упало, и не раздавило сосредоточение авеню и стрит’ов, показанных в виде городской панорамы. Внутри буклета все в тех же синевато-лиловых тонах фотографии участников группы, тексты песен и благодарности…
Внутреннее музыкальное содержание будет по-интересней. Материал варьируется от прог-павера до, практически, хард рока. Хотя особых изысков не замечено. Все достаточно стандартно, обилие 6 и 7 минутных композиций, неплохой вокал (без всяких намеков на «сладкоголосый» прог-павер а-ля Лабиринт), умеренное количество клавиш и электроники. Возможно, кому-то альбом покажется излишне растянутым, ведь это почти 80 минут, хотя по мне так в самый раз, за пять лет можно было и еще больше насочинять…
Из всех треков можно выделить, на мой взгляд, три или четыре лучших – "Hollow" (интересный двухминутный проигрыш в середине), "Embraced" (возможно, самая интересная медленная вещь на этом альбоме), "Season Of Sundays" (мелодизм и легкие навороты), "A Life Less" (музыканты опять примерно до середины нарезают себе что-то неторопливо, а потом вдруг вспоминают, что жизнь коротка, и начинается что-то более серьезное…).
Вывод такой – материал качественный, но не слишком оригинальный. Потому ставлю 7 баллов. |
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просмотров: 10751 |
I walk alone, I disappear
Now I watch you burn inside me
The truth is damned and empty
I breathe the ashes of your soul
That gives me silence, gives me peace
Gives me space, gives me release
In sullen thoughts, you make me feel so hollow
In these hours seized by memories
Reflective paths of light appear
I walk alone, I disappear
Tangled in this lifetime, tangled in it's sorrow
Moments of clarity, fade into tomorrow
Tangled in this madness, What was deep now shallow
If I believe in miracles, why do I feel so hollow
Change forced from disarray
Yesteryear wasted away
Sheltered from this shattered life within me
In these hours seized by memories
Reflective paths of light appear
I walk alone, I disappear
Tangled in this lifetime, tangled in it's sorrow
Moments of clarity, fade into tomorrow
Tangled in this madness, What was deep now shallow
If I believe in miracles, why do I feel so hollow
Now I see, truth in memories
Reflective paths have disappeared
I walk alone, I reappear
Tangled in this lifetime, tangled in it's sorrow
Moments of clarity, fade into tomorrow
Tangled in this madness, What was deep now shallow
If I believe in miracles, why do I feel so hollow
In darkest days, I'm on my own
Why do I feel so hollow
An open view, a fading soul
Why do I feel so hollow
If I believe the new and not the old
Why do I feel so hollow
I'm lost in truth from what was told
Why do I feel so hollow
2. My Virtue
Whisper words of strength untold
Give me peace to rest my soul
I’m forsaken for my virtue, mercy left me lost
If temptation leads to sin
Who's now hurting, who gives in
I'm mistaken for my virtue, mercy left me lost
Illusive grandeur, weakened life
Left unchallenged, justified
As I hope, I plead, salvation leads to paradise
The journey you made through your mind
Plays again, over and over
With space in your life you revealed
Truth abstained, over and over again
Now that heavens far away
I stand alone, yet feeling to stay
Innocence is surely breaking
Mercy has its cost
Life uncertain, yesterday
Is in ashes blown away
As I shed a tear, I'm finding out salvation is burning
The journey you made through your mind
Plays again, over and over
With space in your life you revealed
Truth abstained, over and over again
The journey you made through your mind
Plays again, over and over
With space in your life you revealed
Truth abstained, over and over...
Again, you’ll find out where truth began
Oh, this journey has no end
Oh, this outcome is now in your hands
Will your truth reach the end
3. If Only I
Silence that dawned forever
Drowning inside
Days passed into a lifetime
Inner minds collide
Washed of my sins forever
I turn back the tide
Of the years fallen to waste foreseen
By countless eyes
Fear inside, changing time
As I dream, faceless figures are watching me
If only I could run far away
If only I saw the corners of your mind
If only I ran from yesterday
If only I escaped to the other side
Denied envisioned mercy
I dare to find
To disguise, the meaning hiding
In my life, in my eyes
Dying unto this world
Blinding my eyes to see
Ever changing, re-arranging
Pieces of my memory
Fear inside, changing time
As I dream, faceless figures are watching me
If only I could run far away
If only I saw the corners of your mind
If only I ran from yesterday
If only I escaped to the other side
Fear inside, changing time
As I dream, faceless figures are watching me
If only I could run far away
If only I saw the corners of your mind
If only I ran from yesterday
If only I escaped to the other side
4. Live 2 Live
If life is overrated, empty space in me
This twisted mortal coil denied inside of me
I pushed away my anger, psychoanalyzed
I lived my years, I lived them deep in your lies
I see a new sunrise
I felt the emptiness
The light before my eyes, breathing into my life
Give into light, give into dark
When outside is jaded, we all fall apart
Shelter my world, rebuild my mind
I rise above, tomorrow's no end
Regret lasts forever, time is life's enemy
I began a new day of discovery
Chained I'm locked inside you
Release this memory
These open wounds unleashed inside of you and me
I see a new sunrise
I felt the emptiness
The light before my eyes, breathing into my life
Give into light, give into dark
When outside is jaded, we all fall apart
Shelter my world, rebuild my mind
I rise above, tomorrow's no end
Give into light, give into dark
When outside is jaded, we all fall apart
Shelter my world, rebuild my mind
I rise above, tomorrow's no end
5. Embraced
Inside my heart there’s questions
I don’t know where to start
It seems that every time I grasp heaven
In my hands there is your heart
When my eyes are closed, your face I see
With your arms open, I am set free
In paradise I’m lost within
Breathing, begin, I’m living
Hours turn to days, at times I feel one
I’m drowning in what seems, embraced eternally
Fly in circles in my dreams
Cry a new day will begin
Surround my mind, surround my soul
Cast away your fears outside
Give me sight to see inside
Finally I see the truth, I’m lost within you
I’m jealous of the sun
That sees you everyday
And of the moon that watches you sleep the night away
Finally temptation leaves me
To overcome my fear
Inside my soul, I've lost control of sight that was so clear
Hours turn to days, at times I feel one
I’m drowning in what seems, embraced eternally
Fly in circles in my dreams
Cry a new day will begin
Surround my mind, surround my soul
Cast away your fears outside
Give me sight to see inside
Finally I see the truth, I’m lost within you
Hours turn to days, at times I feel one
I’m drowning in what seems, embraced eternally
Fly in circles in my dreams
Cry a new day will begin
Surround my mind, surround my soul
Cast away your fears outside
Give me sight to see inside
Finally I see the truth, I’m lost within you
Lost within you..
6. Season Of Sundays
Take a look mankind, what have we done
Walk on silent, what has become
This age we lead that leaves regret
We move forward and we forget
Look now mankind, what has become
See in these eyes a broken man
In worlds different, who understands
What justice have you to take away
The innocence of yesterday
See now mankind, who understands
I fall to your knees, I crash to the ground
As I cry out your name, I didn't hear a sound
If your view ever changes, I hope one day it will
Until a phoenix rises, I stand still
Guide me father, what can be done
You have the answers, I want the truth
Can I forget what engraved my mind
Can I rebuild what I had inside
Tell me father, tell me the truth
Look now mother, what can be done
In time life changed under this sun
That never sets in this gray sky
Where everyone's attempt to try
Tell me mother, what can be one
I fall to your knees, I crash to the ground
As I cry out your name, I didn't hear a sound
If your view ever changes, I hope one day it will
Until a phoenix rises, I stand still
As I fall to your knees, I crash to the ground
As I cry out your name, oblivious to sound
If your view someday changes, I hope today it will
Until that moment, until the truth, until mind rest
Until it’s in you, until the spirit flies into forever
Until the phoenix rises, I stand still
Until the phoenix rises, I stand still
Until the phoenix rises, I stand still
7. Once A Believer
Time helped pass this world you left for me
Crucify my selfless sanity
That turned away, faith I had in you
Words cut deep, these wounds of misery
Your lies nailed my soul internally
Cast away, to your self made truth
Understanding what is lost
Thoughts and days unfold to black
Faded memories
Deep inside
I can't fight the walls inside, I once was a believer
Truth overlooks my life, why can't I believe
Cant climb these walls inside, I once was a believer
Is there truth within your lies
Why can't I believe
High and low I searched for answers, searched so endlessly
In the corners of your world, was there space for me
This crown of thorns on my life, spineless, so untrue
Shaken, my foundation shattered
And my trust in you
Understanding what is lost
Months and years unfold to black
That fade our memories
Deep inside
I can't fight the walls inside, I once was a believer
Truth overlooks my life, why can't I believe
Cant climb these walls inside, I once was a believer
Is there truth within your lies
Why can't I believe
Separation, frozen, timeless thoughts have gone by
Closeness, embraced by denial to these eyes
Revolution, giving hope from giving in
What will become, of answers denied that exist within
I can't fight the walls inside, I once was a believer
Truth overlooks my life, why can't I believe
Cant climb these walls inside, I once was a believer
Is there truth within your lies
Why can't I believe
8. Reason
Does it matter if these feelings are gone
Are we moving on
Or do words mean nothing anymore
All the honesty left behind
I can’t trust you no more
I don’t want to be second anymore
There’s a comfort in finding love
Your soul feels at home
You’ll never believe how close we've come
A world that whispers
No thorn in my side
I’ll fly to the sun
That won’t burn my eyes
Faith can move mountains
No force is implied
Silent stars passing
The answers to life
Hold onto the secrets of dreams and desires
The secret is so hard to find
The secret is found in her eyes
I guess my pride has got the best of me
The pain is still strong
Your story’s complete, mines far from done
Take a bow, I’m no angels son
I have faith in me
We are like leaves, we change and fall
A world that whispers
No thorn in my side
I’ll fly to the sun
That won’t burn my eyes
Faith can move mountains
No force is implied
Silent stars passing
The answers to life
Hold onto the secrets of dreams and desires
The secret is so hard to find
The secret is found in her eyes
Hold onto the secrets of dreams and desires
The secret is so hard to find
The secret is found in her eyes
Hold onto the secrets of dreams and desires
The secret is so hard to find
The secret is found in her eyes
9. Breathe
Gone are the days of not fully knowing
I think for a while
I fly for a while
I'm dreaming
The earth delights to feel your bare feet
For the wise to follow
I think of her smile
My heart beats for a while
I'm breathing
Each of us are angels
With only one wing
And we can only fly embracing
Each other within
I hope the day treats you kindly
Don't waste it by not smiling
Today... Today...
You move me in perfect ways
The special thought I wrapped with your name
I feel the change in my life
When I look in your eyes
I'm living
You found me in a crowd
And poured the love I'm giving now
I'm elevated
Each of us are angels
With only one wing
And we can only fly embracing
Each other within.. Each other within..
I hope the day treats you kindly
Don't waste it by not smiling
Today... Today...
Each of us are angels
With only one wing
And we can only fly embracing
Each other within.. Each other within..
I hope the day treats you kindly
Don't waste it by not smiling
Today... Today...
I hope the day treats you kindly
Don't waste it by not smiling
Today... Today...
10. Somebody Save Me
Give me a moment I can freeze in time
Give me the passion that was in your eyes
Speak empty words to warm my heart
Show me reasons why we fall apart
Give me the sun to warm my soul
My thoughts are blackened, I have lost control
Hear me cry your name inside
These walls that you confide in
If now will be forever
These oceans I’ve drowned deep in you will make time
Move back the years I lost
Somebody come save me, in these days of innocence
Somebody come save me, where I thought my life would end
Somebody come save me, shadowed by what now is lost
Somebody come save me, leave the past forever is it gone
Holding out waiting for a sign
My faith in you has died
Whisper words in harmony
Give me time to believe
If now is all or never,
These oceans I’ve drowned deep in you will make time
Move back the years I lost
Somebody come save me, in these days of innocence
Somebody come save me, where I thought my life would end
Somebody come save me, shadowed by what now is lost
Somebody come save me, leave the past forever is it gone
is it gone.. Oh is it gone..
If now is all or never,
These oceans I’ve drowned deep in you will make time
Move back the years I lost
Somebody come save me, in these days of innocence
Somebody come save me, where I thought my life would end
Somebody come save me, shadowed by what now is lost
Somebody come save me, leave the past forever is it..
Somebody save me, somebody save me, somebody save me from life
I feel like someone's helped me
I feel like someone's helped me through
Someone has helped me, I feel I need someone like you
11. Insight
Faceless eyes watch over me
Surrounding my perception into fear
In the days of dark I sheltered truth
Viewing through transparent words you speak
The change in me
Closed doors to a darkened past
My soul set free
Beyond these eyes
Release me, set me free
Unchain this past, unchain me
Cold are the years, inside you
Inside me, do you see
The peace denied, the peace set free
Light shines through dark I lived in you
Reality emotionless
Insisting to believe never what is true
Denying scars that bleed in you
Don’t deny the scars that heal the truth
The change you see
Closed doors to a darkened past
My soul set free
Beyond your eyes
Release me, set me free
Unchain this past, unchain me
Cold are the years, inside you
Inside me, do you see
The peace denied, the peace set free
Light shines through dark I lived in you
Release me, set me free
Unchain this past, unchain me
Cold are the years, inside you
Inside me, do you see
The peace denied, the peace set free
Light shines through dark I lived in you
12. A Life Less
Water fills my mind, hate contorts my vision
Senses disappear, I’m left within decisions
Give me strength to breathe
The purpose is what I need to defeat
Binding perception running out of time
Can you feel the tension rise
Was I spared, did I survive
The cruel hand that feeds on life
Will forever take away our pride
We never know the end
But we still count the days
Not knowing, pretending
To be somebody else
Will we ever be content, we’re living
Will we ever see the unrest in our ways
If you look, you’ll see, it will never be the same
I turn around, still life’s in front of me
You wake up with silence, your only friend
Uncertainty remains, if I disappear
Will my thoughts remain
Days collide
My heart divides
If I’m not heard at least you know I tried
We never know the end
But we still count the days
Not knowing, pretending
To be somebody else
Will we ever be content, we’re living
Will we ever see the unrest in our ways
If you look, you’ll see, it will never be the same
I turn around, life’s still in front of me
Will we ever be content, we’re living
Will we ever see the unrest in our ways
If you look, you’ll see, it will never be the same
I turn around, life’s still in front of me
13. As I Reflect
Moments of inner melancholia
I turn to you in memory
Symbolic visions in the withered wind
Have all but flown away
Distress signals from a golden age
Flow through these veins
Temptation haunting me to turn the page
Do I walk away
You said the past could never make you change
You said the distance and time will cause heartache
You said that there could never be a way for us
I know I’m not the wonder in your eyes
I see the truth, but I could deny
This longing to belong is hurting me
Unveiled the faceless names of yesterday
In this sanctum bleed
Dreams dying eternally
Will I be free
The fallen leaves of autumn in my soul
Let the sky cloud my mind
The sun rises, a new day unfolds
What was left behind
You said the past could never make you change
You said the distance and time will cause heartache
You said that there could never be a way for us
I know I’m not the wonder in your eyes
I see the truth, but I could deny
This longing to belong is hurting me
You said the past could never make you see
Knowing what hurt you, could have hurt me
I thought that there could be a way for us
I know I’m not the wonder in your eyes
I’ve seen the truth but I could deny
This longing to belong is hurting me
I know I hold no glimmer in your eyes
I know the feelings are denied
If you take a chance in time you will see
Take a chance, take a chance, in time you will be free
Take a chance, take a chance, take a chance, in time you will see