 Симфо-блэк в исполнении финской команды. Довольно интересный альбом в плане вокала. Приятное сочетание низкого гроула с мелодичным мужским голосом. Временами прослушивается и холодный женский вокал. Отчетливо слышны клавиши. Гитары ведут всю композицию, хотя слушая, их почти не замечаешь. Все так мелодично сливается в одну композицию, цепляет и ведет за собой в мир чистого блэка, из которого уже не хочется возвращаться, настолько реалистичны создаваемые образы. Подводя итог, говорю, у финских музыкантов получился весьма-весьма неплохой альбом, заслуживший свою 8! |
The book of life, rent
Taint of the beast
Breath the smoke of torment
Taint of the beast
Triumph of hell stratagem
Hearken the voice of the prophet
We are devils own from birth
Pour the cup of indignation
Drink the wine of the wrath of god
Praise the sword and the man
Bear the stigma with pride
deceived souls beheaded
in witness of damnation debate
promised blood shed
In mayhems tirade
2. Hollow Movements of Flesh
From dust you were born, yet dust you remain
Machine without creator, hollow husk profane
Sham synderesis, souls shivering advance
convulsions pulse in slaverys trance
Those cords of faith, divine guidance
mere chains of causality, spinerack dance
Hollow movements of flesh
Under martyrium pall
man consecrated reason
and raised above all
logos as god
to portray it all
and grow on world
forge obligate laws
from circular paths
Nihility and despair beg psyche to lead
Striven from dead soil to sketch paraclete
Causes enslaved to purpose, yet matter they heed
Hollow movements of flesh
Without silent witness
In godless theatres
Shadow-play of humanity
Poised in tragedy
We deny the everbleeding strands
in perpetual adorations loss
hold the masks on trembling hands
over lifeless figures of pathos
3. Suicide Harlequin
Flawed and fragile is your frame
Despair shining through bleeding ruins of pain
Fearstained crust on pale eidolon mask
Sundered soul
In suicide role
Are we not sculptured from misery
Odalisque of designed malaise
Your face is the canvas of scorn
for tragedy to adorn
Strained skin scourged to shreds
Your spine is broken, spirit lost
Wretched husk heed behest
Leave the stage for strong to host
Sheltered yet shivering
In drainfall, tamed grin
Nowhither lead hallways dim
But one that reeks of sin
All the gods you pray
wont steal the woe away
Every stain you carve
Only thrives the scar
No pleasure nor delight
veil the wound inside
4. Mirage of Moira
Wake to black
Men of faith
Dream to mirage
Veritys trade
Never was and never shall be
salvation path nor hells prophecy
Search, for bless or curse,
Your fall was never signed in birth
Hollow, world fallow,
In lifeless soil no fresh seeds grow
Mankind, glimpse of light,
Between empty shades of void
Dead past, for mind to grasp
Devise the meaning from chaos vast
No design, false or divine,
quest for portent of the inane sign
Never prepare, hope or despair,
another dawn is dream that fools revere
Wake to black
Men of faith
Dream to mirage
Veritys trade
Blight of stars
Beacons veiled
No reward, beheading sword,
deeds of man never yield award
No brightness hides, realms behind,
shades mere echoes of your chains inside
Never was and never shall be
salvation path nor hells prophecy
Never was and never shall be
Promised land nor eternity
5. Born of Brimstone Womb
Raped was the land
Burning seed in barren soil
Sibilant throb to once boil
Ablaze In rage,
Brimstone Child...
You burn like sun
glowing pyrogenous one
All waste lay in white
When darkness, gone
eternity in purest light
Charred, Blind, Alone
Brimstone Child...
To feed on fragile fear
Purged ashes, cremated flesh
Where your fingers sear
Brimstone Child...
6. Sulphur Spiral
Fall... down the sulphur spirals
Where wailing breath blows
Grinds flesh from your bones
Scorch pleads from deaththroes
Blindness be with thee,
Blindness, deceived sweet conceit, scarificed
How she wept her wasted black seed
With nails, needles, screams she clawed through dreams
Let the darkness in, all shimmering shades
So frail and dim, her light is drowning
Fall... and never seize the wall,
never scrape a mark, never leave recall
Down the drain, sail sewers of flesh
Down the drain, bleed
Inhale stormclouds, pyres filthborn
Veins foster thorns and cries that could not form
Fall...and never wake it true,
never slay the offal hope, as others fall with you
Enslave the soul (to) every lust and need
Boil it foul, grime to secrete
Fall... and never slice the cords,
never meet the ground, never sight skywards
Wingless born, wretched and the weak
Trampled beneath scorn with legacy of meek
7. Sanguine Diadem
Throned as revenge-parous liege
Travesty of royalty
Revenant priest
Crowned in slavocracy
Dogmas to smite
Nails through womb
You drank the oath in mothers blood
Loyalty inherited with solomonic torture
War for the race, war for the breed
pestiferous rampage as slaves stampede
War for the god, war for the dead
Slaked earth cares not whose saint bled
Those of lesser mind
heed mirage of tribulation
Those of weaker kind
feed flames of tarnation
Some perdure in sanitys scion
Until sunless dawn claims them
Others they cry for oblivion
But you praise the sanguine diadem
March of raw scorn
Tamed, chained
Seraphs dreadsworn
8. Wraith Reveries
They slithered to stage as drums distant called thrice
Until shadows take shape sight of the watcher hides
Shrouded in odeum shade, disguised.
Once and always shall wait
man in cursed masquerade
and perpetrate
trance of pyrrhic parade
Trace the echoes for memories end
I dragged them around, marionettes rend
In oneiric dance until violins lay silent
For curtains to descend
Faces that pristine laughter held
Hidden lips yearning all the poisons of flesh
Chainless feet they are faltering,
yet they are pathless and they are gone
My mind fleeing all torments of life
Orgiastic pageantry in somniferous strife
On primrose path with deaths concubine
9. Syn
Who spoke those words of bane, tenets of dark
Blasphemy, chastise the soul, mute throats parched
Sin unto death
Death of your god
Rise rebellion carnality
Yet heavens remain obsidian
When virtues spawn reality
Avowal crime never undone
Sin, sin unto death
Death, death of your god
Cradle the hopes of solifidian
forsaken halls in venerations scenery
when paladins of the waning sun
wallow in paederastian liturgy
In trial of star-chamber
Wear wrath as your crown
Perish by torture
With wrath of your own
10. Silhouettes of Paradox Craft
Against the light of thespian forge
They stride both sides of sinuous path
Deride the strive of facets opposed
silhouettes of paradox craft
Dreamscapes for followers flawed
Sights to grasp
Minds palate for sinful flesh to sate
Love to drain from virgin disgraced
What shame and hate she shall raise
Slithers and crawls, foil to all,
with malformed claws
Through own feces, descend to reach,
zenith of stars, lethe of gods
Welded to prostrated past
Carcass of useless Eden
We shall transcend
shift to higher phase
We shall aspire, ascend
Through dead evolutions end
We shall shed the skin
Lose the waste of history
Shred the roots and drift